The Final Dance

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Anthony placed one hand on my waist whilst placing it into my own hand. He looked at me with a small smile. I knew that this was his way of saying goodbye.

We began to waltz in time to the music; the words of the song began to capture our feelings for each other and it was heartbreaking. In the middle, tears began fall on my face but Anthony wiped them away like I did with his when we were in the dressing rooms at Glam and Fam.

Suddenly - for no reason - he lifted me into the air and spun me around before kissing me as he brought me back down on the floor.

We kissed for a while: twice, three; maybe six times but we lost count.

"I have to go", he said as he kissed for the last time.

"Wait". I took his hand and instructed him to leave it open. I then took out my white flower clip and placed it onto his palm.

"Do not forget me", I said. "I will never forget you. Thank you for being my Fairy God-Friend and my best friend. I love you, Anthony".

He took the flower and placed it on his suit, close to his heart. "I love you too, Sarah Johnson. I always have and I always will".

We embraced ourselves for our farewell kiss before Anthony walked out of the gymnasium and out the door.

I stood still for a moment. Seeing him disappear was heartbreaking. I couldn't stand it. I didn't want to say goodbye but I had little choice.

Without thinking, I ran out the hall and out onto the street. As I was out the doors, I see Anthony climbing into a Mini car. From a short distance, I could see he was crying.

I called out his name but he couldn't hear me. I tried again but he closed the passenger door. I began to breathe heavily as I hear the car starting. When it took off, I hurried down the sidewalk to watch him go. I attempted to keep up but I lost my breath. I stopped at a lamppost, near the bus stop.

The car had already gone and releasing that I wasn't going to see Anthony again, I fell onto my knees and began to cry. He was gone.

So close we were together, but now, we were far apart. Very far apart.

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