A True Ending

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Sarah woke up to the chorus of the birds that were singing on her porch. She also felt the bitter cold - the sharp gust of wind. She didn't know where it came from but she soon found out when she discovered that her window was open. 

Jumping out of her bed, Sarah rushed to the window and with one hand, she managed to close it. Sarah was just about to go back into bed when she noticed her bedside table. Her Cinderella storybook was missing. She started to feel worried and started looking everywhere for her book. She had no luck but as she was on the ground, looking underneath her bed, she noticed something else. Rose petals.

A trail of rose petals; all in a straight line. Sarah looked confused. "What are they doing here?" 

She looked out the door and noticed that the hallway was covered in rose petals. Again, in a straight line. Sarah decided to investigate. Leaving Molly behind on her bed, she followed the trail all the down to the living room on the ground floor. She was about to head into the living room (where the trail had ended) when she gasped. 

Standing in front of Sarah was Arnold; like her, he was also in his pj's and dressing gown. He had a huge smile on his face as he opened his arms to invite Sarah. The pair hugged each other, as if they were at a reunion. 

"You gave me a fright", said Sarah. 

"Well, that certainly woke you up", he laughed. "Merry Christmas, Sarah". 

"Merry Christmas, Arnold". 

Without another word, Arnold took Sarah's hand and led her into the living room where everyone was waiting for her. They cheered for her arrival. 

"Here she is!" Phil cried. "Merry Christmas, Little Rose". 

"Merry Christmas, everyone", Sarah replied. 

Sarah smiled at them as one-by-one, they greeted her with good spirits. When Stella had her turn, Arnold squeezed her hand gently. 

"Wait till you see what's underneath the tree", he said excitingly. 

"What's underneath the tree?" she asked. 

"Our presents, silly!" .

Using his index finger, Arnold pointed to a pile of presents that were next to each other. Sarah couldn't believe her eyes. There was a tower of them; where did they come from? She wondered if they were just for Arnold or for somebody else. However, she noticed a small gap in the middle. 

"Your's are on the right, Sarah. I have to admit, I'm very jealous of you. You have more presents than me". 

"Why?" Sarah asked. 

"Because you have an extra one, which you may want to open first", said Stella. 

"I still cannot believe you won't let me see it, Mum", said Arnold.

Walking over to her presents, Sarah began to search for her extra gift. But she got sidetracked; Sarah couldn't believe the amount of presents she had received. Normally, she would get four presents - two from her father and two from Jasmine. She thought that this year it would be the same but she was wrong. They were so many; big, small, short, tall; colorful and sparkly wrapping paper. Then, there was an envelope: a large, cream envelope. It was on top of a tiny present which contained something very tiny. So, Sarah picked it up and examined very carefully. It took her a while to figure out what was inside. It must contain something important. Inside the back, there was hard bit of cardboard. Sarah couldn't understand why there would be cardboard inside her present. She was about to ask Stella when she noticed a written note on the front. It read: 

Some stories begin with trail and error. Most of them all end with these words: they lived happily ever after.

You deserve your own happily ever after. We love you, Princess.

~ Arnold, Miles, Stella, Phil and Gertie

"Okay..." said Sarah. "I'm --"

Arnold laughed. "You have to open it, Sarah". 

"If it's a piece of cardboard, I may die". 

Everyone laughed, but Sarah didn't find her joke amusing. 

Then, slowly, Sarah opened the envelope and carefully, she pulled out a piece of paper. It took a while for Sarah to figure out what it was. She read it multiple times: double, triple, quadrupedal checked to see if it was correct. When she figured it out, Sarah gasped, dropping the paper onto the floor. She covered her mouth with her hands and for a while, she looked at Stella and Miles who had tears in their eyes. Then, she began to cry.

"I love you so much". Sarah cried. "I love you". 

Miles and Stella stretched their arms out to her and straight away, she ran into them. Arnold couldn't figure out what was going on. Phil and Gertie didn't know either but when he found the paper, Arnold began to read it out loud:

~ Certificate of Adoption ~

This is to Certify that


Is adopted into her family, on the date of the Twenty-Forth of December.

This adoption is permanent, binding and cannot be undone. As a result of this adoption, takes on the new name: SARAH GRACE SHORTMAN

Adoptte: Stella and Miles Shortman Witness: Jasmine Court 

"I have a sister", Arnold whispered. "I have a sister". 

After hugging her new adoptive parents, Sarah walked towards Arnold to hug him. "You made my dream come, Arnold", she said. "If wasn't for you, I won't be here. You are best friend and brother a girl could wish for".  

"I love you too, Sarah. Welcome home". 

All around the living room, there were claps and cheers for Sarah and Arnold as the two siblings cried in each other's arms. There was not a dry eye in the room; even Oscar was in tears (much to his surprise). As Miles and Stella watched their children, Miles suddenly felt a small tap on his shoulder. 

"First a Grandson and now, we have a granddaughter. I'm so proud of you, Son", said Phil. 

"This will be a Christmas to remember", replied Stella, giving her husband a kiss.       

"Well, we did adopt her", said Miles, "but it was Arnold who found her".   

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