Heartbreak and Jealousy

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Sarah couched down on the floor, leaning against the door. The department was closed but this didn't bother Sarah too much. All she wanted to do was cry.

She placed her head on top of her knees and sobbed. Anthony only had been gone for ten minutes but already, she started to miss him. It was hard to believe he was gone: maybe forever.

Suddenly, she reacted to the sound of feet, pacing up and down the corridor. This was followed by an agitated sigh. Sarah looked up to see who it was.

"Why did you break my heart?" It was William Hart.

Sarah wiped her tears away. She was watching him, staring at her. Her spine shivered.

"Why did you break my heart?" he repeated.

"I don't understand", Sarah replied. "William, why are you angry with me?"

"Don't play games with me", he said. "I saw you with that boy. Why did you dance and kiss him tonight? I should have been the one!"

"But, William", Sarah confessed. "We only met twice".

"Twice? Yes, we have met twice but I came here tonight for a reason.

"I asked Lila to come with her tonight. I wanted to see you in person.

"Sarah, you are nothing but a liar. You treated me like a door mat. I thought you were the one. But I guess that was wrong.

"No man will ever love you. So, start getting used to it".

Sarah couldn't take the pain; William invaded her space and she needed to escape. As fast as she could, Sarah got up and ran back down the stairs.

"Run, you coward!" William cried. "And don't come back!"

Sarah hurried down the hallway and rushed towards the doors. She missed a shoe, which slipped from her foot. It was left on the middle step. Sarah didn't notice.

In the pouring rain, she continued to run; on the sidewalk and all the way back to the Boarding House. She quickly ran up the stairs and into her bedroom.

She locked herself in, before she ran to her bed. When she laid down, Sarah placed her face on her pillow. She cried silently; going to the ball was a huge mistake. She regretted meeting Anthony and she regretted meeting William. Her Fairy God-Friend and a stranger. What was to become of her?

Then, she remembered. Sarah was still crying when she got out of her bed but she needed comfort. Sarah headed over to her chest of drawers and inside, she found her old CD player. She then found a CD case, with a disk inside. The case also had a note, which read:

If you sad, listen to me and I'll comfort you.

Sarah got the disk out of the cover and placed it inside the player. She pressed play as she walked back to her bed.

She laid down and closed her eyes as she listened to the song. Sarah was still crying but she hoped that it'll make her stop. She was in the middle of the tune when she heard a knock on the door. Sarah headed over there to see who it was.

It was Arnold; he was standing in front of her. He looked at his friend sadly. He was aware of the events that happened earlier but he said nothing. And nor did Sarah. He then noticed her CD player.

"Can I have a listen?"

Without saying a word, Sarah walked over to her bed and sat down on the edge. She gave Arnold an headphone and then - she pressed play.

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