Arnold and Helga's First Date

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Next morning, Helga was lost in her own word. She was extremely nervous and she had a good reason to be. She and Arnold were having their first date.

Since the pair got back from San Lorenzo, they never had a chance to have some time alone. What with Arnold's parents being back in the Boarding House, Helga going on a long awaited - but miserable holiday to New York with her sister, Olga - and Sarah, they just didn't get round to it.

The waiting became unbearable and sure enough, Arnold got the chance to ask her the night before. Following his argument with the family and a chat with Sarah, he felt that he needed to breathe. But he didn't want to squeeze Helga out. So - that was how it came to be.

The sun was still rising when Helga sat on their favourite bench. She was continually shaking with fear. Inside her mind, all the twists and turns made her imagine as a Jekyll and Hyde character.

Arnold, what a nuisance! What a Mr Goodie Two Shoes and a bad decision maker. He disguises me - and yet...

She scans around the park, checking to see if the coast is clear. When it was safe, she took out her locket of Arnold. The locket that saved Arnold's parents in San Lorenzo. Helga gazed her lovers picture in front of her eyes.

He still loves me. The way he calls my name wherever I go. The way he smiles when we share a brief moment and the way he shows his affection in our presence - with no one to see us. Nearly eight years have I been keeping it a secret and worshiping him like a God has come to this. Our first date. And yet, why does he twist my brain? Sure, I was mean to him but that's in the past. It's different now, but what if I repeat my mistakes and everything falls apart. Scowling and calling him "Football Head" haven't been welcoming to him. So, what would happen if he reacts to my actions?

She then kissed Arnold's picture before placing it against her heart.

Arnold, my love. I need you guidance. Please help me to know what love really is. I'm frightened. I don't know what to do. What shall we do? Oh, Arnold... Arnold...

"Helga?" asked a voice.

Helga opened her eyes to see Arnold standing right in front of her, holding up an umbrella. Helga didn't notice the rain, which had started spitting down.

"Arnold!" Helga attempted to hide her locket but with little success.

Arnold laughed. "There's no need to hide the locket, Helga. I don't mind seeing it".

"Oh", she replied, feeling embarrassed.

Arnold sat down next to her; he had a huge smile on his face - he was happy to see Helga. In the glowing rays of the sun, she was his sunshine.

"But a locket doesn't present the truth. The truth of a beautiful angel".

Helga let out a soft sigh, as Arnold pulled himself closer to his girlfriend. He then invited her to lean her head on top of his shoulder, which she accepted.

Arnold then placed his head on top of Helga's before he too let out a soft sigh.

"Great minds think alike", said Helga.

"I guess that's true".

This was a shock to Arnold. Normally, he would see Helga scowl and snap at him when he would touch her hand or kiss her cheek. He didn't know why but after a while, it dawned on him that Helga didn't like these things in front of other people. Only when they are alone. He gently rubbed Helga's back before closing his eyes. As he shut them, he thought Helga. He was the luckiest boyfriend in the world.

"Helga?" he asked softly. "Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are? Inside and out?"

Helga didn't answer his question. Arnold wondered why but when he opened an eye, Arnold could see Helga, breathing gently. She too had her eyes closed. Arnold wasn't worried but he was revealed that she wasn't unconscious, uncomfortable or miserable.

Time had drifted by for the young lovers. They couldn't anything, apart from the chorus of the birds.

Then, Helga broke the silence by quietly improvising a poem. "Beautiful sun, shining in the sky, bless us with love as Cupid flies by..."

"... Morning to you I say it's true, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't you", Arnold added.

"I didn't know you liked poetry".

"Well, I like stories. So, that counts, I guess?"

"Meh, who am I to judge". Helga sighed once more. "How I wish it could be like this everyday. But, we always have more days to follow. I'm sorry it couldn't be tonight".

"That's okay, Helga. I understand. Hey, what do you say we go have breakfast at the cafe?"

"The one just across the playground?"

Arnold made a sound, indicating Helga that it was a yes.

"I would love too".


The strong smell of omelettes, toast and homemade soup we're making the pair extremely hungry. Both Arnold and Helga decided to not have any breakfast before they left their homes - whilst the boarding house didn't mind for Arnold, Bob couldn't care less.

"Fine", Bob said angrily as Helga left the door, "but come back soon to help me selling beepers".

Doi! Helga thought. She didn't want to because she didn't enjoy it at all. But luckily, Helga wouldn't have time selling unwanted beepers. As well as her date, both she and Arnold had to meet up with Sarah to complete their History project.

At least had an excuse - unlike a vest and boxer shorts dressed Bob who had nothing better to do than sleep on a couch all day.

As Helga and Arnold tucked into their meals, Arnold began to wonder what Helga might say if she may feel upset. But he needn't had worried either.

Neither party released that their significant other felt nervous. And - they didn't know what to do about it.

"Helga", Arnold asked quietly, "I - I..." He couldn't get the words out of his mouth.

"Arnold, I think I know what you are going to say".

"You do?"

"I do. I - I..." Helga couldn't get the words out either. It took her a while before she could finish her sentence. "I know you may think I'm crazy but —"

"I don't think your crazy", Arnold said. "Listen, I know frightened you must be and I know that it's our first date - if you want to call it that. But I just want to say that if I forget, thank you for this".

"Thank you?" Helga's eyes widened with shock, but with love. She never heard him say thank you like that before: in a sweet and innocent tone. She quickly snapped out of it and responded quickly with a "thank you" as well before letting out a unexpected snort. Embarrassed, Helga covered it up with her hands.

Arnold giggled. "Don't worry", he replied, "it happens to us all". He then gave her a wink, waiting for her to respond.

She didn't but Arnold didn't pressure her.

"Hey, it's getting nearer the time", Helga said; as an distraction, she looked at the clock behind Arnold. It was nearly nine-fifteen".

"Your right, Helga".

The pair slowly got up from their seats before paying the bill. They went Dutch, as it was far to pay separately.

"Do you think Sarah's ready for the conclusion?" Helga asked Arnold.

"Who knows, Helga. But if I know Sarah, my guess is that she won't be. Not yet anyway".

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