chapter 1

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There is a legend, buried in the depth of seas. Some people believe it to be truth yet some deny the facts. The water bodies covering the earth are yet to be discovered and who knows what lies beneath the layers of oceans.

Izaya turned the television off. He was getting bored all of a sudden. He had nothing to do, in fact he was distracted. Laying on couch he called Namie , who was preparing the afternoon tea.

"What?", The sharp answer came behind the corner. Izaya sat down on the couch and yawned lazily, "Namie, do you think mermaids exist?", He asked, looking out of the big window behind his desk.

"I don't", a very snappy reply came and Namie walked out of the kitchen and placed a cup on the table. Izaya watched the warm liquid inside the cup. He grinned.

"But I am pretty sure they exist. You know their tears solidify into pearls", He pointed at the book lying next to the cup. The dim yellow light of the setting sun filled the room. It was quite and peaceful but for Izaya it was the onset of something stirring.

"As if you need pearls now", Namie was sarcastically grinning now and Izaya pouted. He saw her packing her things up and cleaning her table. Then she grabbed her hand bag and headed for the main door. "I'm leaving", she said , slamming the door behind her as Izaya shrugged his shoulders and pouted like he didn't care. Then he laid back down on the couch and started reading what he was, before the TV show started.

It was a book, a client gifted him and Izaya took a liking to it. It had a dark blue title cover on which a mermaid was painted out of blue and white acrylics, Extending a hand as if it was reaching for stars above. Izaya was fascinated. He had never seen such a dazzling sight. He had seen the extraordinary, but this took the cake. He wanted to meet one right there but the ocean was too far and he was to lazy to get up.
The yakuza gang he was involved with broke two months ago and Shiki died. Government officials had sent some gorilla fighters to make sure he didn't survive the attack. Izaya got out of  the mess pretty smoothly because not even government officials wanted their secrets to be revealed. Izaya had been the brilliant one. His client's were reducing in number since that incident because most of them were waiting for the comotion to cease.

"Hmm, where was I again?",  He asked himself before opening the books and reading the lines.
"Their hearts beat in the ocean and their hearts start to harden on the ground untill unless they find a true love."

"My my look at that!", Izaya changed his posture and now his stomach rested on the couch and the book was hanging right in front on the level of his face." I'm impressed", he commented.

Then he checked his phone. There were no notifications and it  was too quiet to his likings. Ikebukuro wasn't the same anymore. He missed it. He missed his human beings causing ruckus. He was an observer and his role was to watch from sidelines, but sadly these days there were no central acts, which he could speculate from edges. His vision fell back to the book.

Namie was about to enter the apartment when she heard Izaya whistling the next day. She frowned while entering and Izaya danced towards her.
"I have decided, he informed her" , watching her expressions, which weren't very pleasant. "What?",She inquired and headed for her table. Izaya locked the door as he turned towards her, "we are packing up for Los Angeles. I think it's time I take vocations". He told her while settling down in his boss chair. "Are you with me?",, He asked more like he was telling her that there were no options

"Whatever , just make sure you pay me accordingly", She sat down and opened her laptop.
"Hai, hai", he said in sing song voice and swung towards the big glass slide window and viewed the buildings touching the sky.

"Mermaids... Hmm sounds interesting", he murmured while tapping on the arm rest of the chair.

Two days passed and both of them were already at the airport after landing off the plain. Namie had a purple shirt and black skirt on with sun glasses set on her eyes along with black tights and matching high heels. Izaya had more or less he same trademark clothes on but the colour of his v neck shirt was red. Both looked one hella couple and people were looking back at them as they were some lavish, sparky couple. They had their luggage  with them and both waited for the taxi outside the airport.

"Hoo, Namie aren't we looking like a couple?", He teased her and Namie kissed her tongue. "Don't be delusional", she commented without even looking at him. "You are no fun these days", he pouted as he settled back on the bench. The airport was a huge structure and there were people everywhere which just lifted his mood. The ocean was his destination but this ocean of people was amusing as well. The weather was clear and the sun was shining. It was warm and comfortable in to walk in.

He was actually enjoying the trip and Namie was just sulking because she wouldn't be able to see Seiji for a while. "Cheer up Namie it's your job and besides it's good to drift away from constant worries ne?", He told her waving his hand in front of her and she frowned, "In that case,I would love to stay away from you", she made comas with her fingers while saying and Izaya smirked, that annoying smirk and how she hated it. Taxi came after a while and they dumped their luggage in the hotel. They were staying in separate rooms in some seven star hotel.

Hello guys. Time for some shizaya. See u around.
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