chapter 19

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The sand was soft under his feet. Yes actual two feet. He closed his eyes and continued walking. He wore a black shirt and coat along with some jeans.

It had been an excellent experience underwater but he was already sick of staying inside water too much. Old grandfish had told him all the stories of how well her mother was. She was a warrior and he hoped Shizuo would prove himself a great son by not dying over mere human.

He  already felt better. The pain was gone. Old grandfish said that he had a human father so that explained the early recovery and late damage.

He could seriously spent ten years on the ground on the expense of a month underwater. And this was the twentieth day underwater.

He wished to return and grandfish had told him to stay for a month. He resurfaced to watch the glowing city of humans. He wanted to meet his family, friends and most of all wished to see Izaya again.

Well his mind was full of useless thoughts as he stopped a taxi and told the man to drive to the hotel he rented for two days.

After paying the driver he entered the huge reception. The receptionist was sitting there and his face twisted as soon as he watched the man coming towards him.

There was a break in his room last Friday and he hadn't payed for his over extended stay. Shizuo stood there in front of the man as he took out his vallet.

"Just here to pick my stuff. How much did it cost? ", Asking the man he fished the vaulet out. "That makes a ton of money you cant afford.", Shizuo's hands stoped in his vallet. And he looked up.

"What... Did you just say?", He inquired. His fury was written all over his face.

"Yes, if this hadn't been the case, you wouldn't have run away.", They receptionist was rude and Shizuo tried to calm the sudden monster that woke up because of him.

"Hey pal! you are totally misunderstanding me here.", He said putting a smile on his lips. Another smile, he cut the toungue.

"Go on blackmail me again.", He waved his hand in front of Shizuo who looked at him dumbfounded.

"What was that supposed to mean?", Shizuo was seriously confused but then he put the money on the counter and went to the room.

The receptionist looked at the huge sum of money and frowned.

"These rich lads, this month surely is unusual.",

Shizuo stopped in front of his room and checked the door next to him which read, Orihara Izaya. So he was still here. Shizuo whistled. He knew that Izaya was staying in the same hotel and that brought his worst memory to focus again.

He clearly remembered how in the middle of night he smelled something rotting. He had woken up immediately and wanted to kill whoever it was. But then he smelled it again. It was the stench of flea. Yes. He was neighboring the fucking flea. The fuck?, He had thought back then because most of the time flea and his secretary fought like a couple and he couldn't concentrate on his sleeping.

There was a time when he wanted to punch the wall and make them shut up. Well today, it was peacefully. He opened the door and turned the lights on. What the fuck? That was all he could muster as his stuff was all over the place. The window was open and someone had broken in his room apparently.

His blood boiled as he gathered his scattered pajamas and shirts. The toothbrush was thrown in the sink and he couldn't help but to snap it into two. Then he entered the bathroom. That's where he slipped on his ass and landed with a thud on the tiles. There was shampoo... Fucking shampoo. The whole bottle was being emptied on the tiles and he crushed the poor bottle under his grip.

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