chapter 8

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Izaya knew he had messed up and he was grateful that Shizu chan had saved him. He didn't know why he did but he did. He would love an explanation later. Blood seeping out of the bullet wound was more than enough for him to lose it . He called Namie who was at some bar and wasn't sober. He didn't have enough strength to drag Shizu chan all the way to hospital and he admitted he felt weak. He clearly heard the request Shizu chan had made and he regretted it now.

He watched shizu chan heading for deep parts of water. Water was up to his knees and he could drown. The amount of fear he felt was overwhelming. So he didn't know what to do , he just ran towards him hoping for Shizuo to listen. His vision was blurry. And he desperately tried to drag him back but something underwater under his feet cracked and he slipped taking Shizu chan along with him subaquatic.

He gasped for air as his lungs were filling up with water and what was more, he didn't know how to swim so he just was drowning. His vision was getting dark and he felt his heart pounding fast and tears rolled in the endless deep blue. It was hard to breath and every second passing by, Izaya felt like the soul was leaving the body. Suddenly, he felt an arm wraped around his waist and warmth on his lips.

He opened his eyes just to watch Shizu chan and his lips fixed over his , sharing the oxygen. His other hand was behind his head, supporting him. Half lided crimson orbs matched the gold ones and then he felt like the surface came closer. The lips parted and he was thrown out of the water.

Oh dear lord... What was that???😉😉😉 Stay tuned for more.

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