chapter 11

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Izaya had his laptop opened in his lap as he chose to rest a little more. He was searching for the causes of dimentia and the cure but so far, no progress had been made. He wondered why would he call Namie to bring ambulance?, Was someome injured?, He asked himself again. "

"And then i drowned... Well technically whoever it was, might be injured and someone I knew?, No, deducting the knowing part , if that person was injured then why I drowned. Did we both jumped into the water after playing like two year olds?, and then both drowned but the other person didn't survive.", He was trying to make some sense out of everything thing happening around him.  

"Uhhhh", He grabbed his forehead which was pulsating with pain. Doctor had told him to refrain from thinking no... More like overthinking which Izaya always used to do. He was about to fling the laptop across the other end of room when Namie entered . Once again.

"What do you want now?", He said lazily. Namie looked for the chair nearby and dragged it closer to the bed.

"Still don't remember who he was?", She asked while shifting in the chair.

"Nope", he answered shaking his head in denial.

"So what about we start from someone you know?", She smiled, taking out a paper and drawing a box with names written in them and a section to make them true or false.

"What's that huh?, Good Namie wants to help poor me.", He said while acting out how he was in tears and Namie clicked the toungue.

"Shut it or you loose rest of your memories as well.", She warned him and Izaya giggled. "But it's fun watching you embarraced like that.", He grinned and Namie rolled her eyes, brushing him off.

"Let's see, what about Shiki?", Namie asked. She watched Izaya frowning. "Two men followed me to the bar as far as I can recall. I gave them a little present as well.", He answered. His memory over that part was perfectly vivid but after he sat on the sand for whole day and night came. He couldn't just fill he gaps after the point where he was found unconscious. It was annoying just like Shizu chan telling him to stay away from Ikebukuro...


Shizu chan..

Why would I ponder on the possibility that he was the one?, He laughed slightly and watched Namie giving her stares.

"What about Shizuo hewajima?", She asked.
Izaya felt like a truck hit him for a moment.

It was almost like Namie read his mind. He looked at the woman who was having a high time in front of him.

"Why would he be here Namie . Shizu chan is too stupid to survive in a foreign country.", He laughed and waited for her to make another snappy remark but she didn't instead, she shrugged her shoulders with least care, "then maybe he didn't," standing up from the chair she threw a small paper towards him and Izaya catched it.

There were the names and room numbers written on it. The third entry was named Shizuo hewajima and the room was adjecent to his own. His stomach dropped mover that and he looked at Namie, "I wonder what's going on.", She said standing against the door frame.

"What are you gonna do about that?", She asked.

"Ah namie, to be honest. I don't know what's going on and it may take a while before I figure out what's the deal.", He answered. "And I can see how our Namie got the information out of the hotel's most confidential files.", He praised the cunning brains up there and Namie threw a smirk towards him.

"Don't underestimate me." , she caught the escaping bangs and turned them behind her ear.

" I'm not, any ways. Ill look into the matter and trust me Namie. Whatever happened, I don't remember.", He assured her.

"I don't doubt you.", She replied and Izaya's jaw dropped over such generosity." Because you were never this less of an asshole before. It's a good development.", She said and exited the room leaving Izaya smirking.

Now I want namie and Izaya to play family... Shall I? Well that will defeat the purpose of this fic then a NEW STORY will be BORN from this OLD STORY...and I'm sounding like abhag now... K'bye

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