chapter 12

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Ocean was great as Shizuo's mother had told him. He wasn't really expecting to grow a fucking tail. It was blue in colour and had some black bizzare patterns. It wasn't annoying to have one instead of two limbs either.

When he first came down the ocean he couldn't find a place to go but then he found a mermaid. He wondered upon the possible route to his destiny. He was still lost for what he had done to Izaya. His favourite fur coat was hanging on Shizuo's shoulder and the wound was long healed. He could still feel that frail body in his arms. The rosy cheeks were the proof of how embarraced he actually was.

"What is your name boy?",  The girl had asked him. Shizuo deemed her to be some delicate type human before she actually grew a tail right in front of him while he watched the surface ,missing Izaya already.

"It's Shizuo.", He said in low voice. The girl was creeping him out. Why the was she so calm, uh maybe then again she would have been used to growing a tail. "The name is Hiroe kuboro, call me Hiro, like that.", She chuckled over his confused expressions.

"Relax boy.. Shizuo, I'll show you the way.", She extended a hand towards him and he held it. Both of them started to swim.

Shizuo was so perplexed that he didn't even asked Hiro where were they going. Hiro was smiling as she swam with that bright red tail. It had beautiful colour spectrum on the edges those which blended with water.

"Shizuo, tell me about yourself?", She asked the lost man. He really didn't know what to say. For all he knew that he had to tell them the name of his mother and they would let him live with them. That's what his mother had told him. He wondered if his mother was some important person back when in the ocean but now. This was all absurd. He was missing the solid earth under his feet.

"I was born on land and it's the first time for me to return to the place I originally belong to.", He said.


"Miss them all.",He looked ahead as they reached a large sunken ship. It was creepy as fuck and gave him creeps.

Hiro dragged him inside the ship through a broken window and they entered the huge vessal.

"Inhabitants relate that this war ship sank in the world war 2 and the they made sure this destructive weopen never rose again.",

She added while they swimed through t the broken , dark parts of the machine, The coal rooms were dark but there was no suffocation as they swimed through them. Then they turned a corner and for Shizuo, it was a shock.

The whole scenery just turned into one hell of a residential area. There were lots of people in there. The ship was huge but it was the settlement which grew beyond the way they had entered through. The people on the surface would call it the graveyard of ships but what Shizuo was seeing in front of him was a living colony of fish people.

He swam ahead of of Hiro. His mouth wide opened in awe he was hit with all at once and a shine in his eyes. Hiro knew what it was... Hope..yes he hoped that he could pull this off and return to surface one day.

"Hey Shizuo , let's get you to the grandfish of this village.", Hiro shouted from behind and he snapped his head towards her saying " grandfish?" In really confused tone.

"The elder, ha..ha..ha.", she laughed clumsily while rubbing the back of her head and Shizuo smiled.

"Let's go then.", He agreed to her.

So shizuo is practically home.... Let's see what awaits him next

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