chapter 7

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Izaya froze in his place. Did he just saved his life?, His head throbbed as he slid Shizuo on his right and properly laid him down on the sand.

"Shizu chan", he grabbed his shoulders and tried to wake the brute up but he was so still. He bit his bottom lip as he took out his phone and dialed the numbers. He watched Shizuo carefully putting one hand over his chest to block the flow of blood. Then he felt a stirring in the unconscious body as Shizuo opened his eyes and watched Izaya who was already meeting the gaze.

"What's wrong?",He asked Izaya who had ended the call and grabbed his hand. "You are crazy", he pouted. Shizuo smiled.

"Why is that so?", He was in pain." How do you feel after bravely taking the bullet for me?", Izaya asked sarcastically but Shizuo could tell, he was worried.

"Feels like shit". He said . His pain was too much. He needed to get up and just jump in water. He didn't care what Izaya thinks at this point. He tried to get up but the change in position caused him a hell of pain and he fell down. Then he looked at Izaya who was watching Shizuo struggle.

"Izaya, we had a deal", He barely said.
"I'm not leaving...', He heard Izaya who pouted as he took off his coat and tugged it carefully over Shizuo.

"Who is asking you to leave, help me" . He frowned over the request. "What do you want I've called Namie, she will be here in thirty minutes. Just wait", He said coldly.
"No, just help me get closer to the water ". Shizuo knew what kind of expressions Izaya wore but he didn't care.

"Do it". Then he heard Izaya saying something about being resilient and he felt a hand under his right arm. Izaya helped him walk straight and they both walked slowly towards the sea. When  it was near enough Izaya let him go and Shizuo still stood. He stood with water upto his knees.

"Impressive , Never knew you could still stand after a bullet in your heart". He heard Izaya's snide remarks in the background. He turned around and gold met crimson.

"Wait what are you doing , it's deep there". Izaya cried almost running towards him but Shizuo didn't stop heading for the depths. When he was on the edge of that deep trench, he felt a hand on his arm. "Don't l", he watched Izaya who was..


Time almost stopped.

Everything was in slow motion as they once again fell because Izaya had tried to drag him towards the shore. But in doing so, he just slipped and both of them fell inside the trench.  

That was uncalled for... Are they done for good???
Well hello everyone ..enjoy and love me.

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