chapter 22

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"Do you have someone special?", He asked fearing that Shizu chan might snap but to his surprise he remained silent.

This silent was somehow comforting for him. This could the the forebearer of that storm which already had begun in his mind.

It had devastated his thoughts and his very existence. In the end Izaya would make sure who ever they are, he will make their live miserable.

"I wonder who is it?", He finished and watched Shizu chan who seemed petrified and seemed lost somewhere.

Izaya tilted his head in confusion but then suddenly Shizu chan grabbed his arm.

"You wanna know?", Izaya's witnessed the smile, soft and lacked any grudge. Almost friendly. He noded and there, soon he was walking behind Shizu chan who was probably going toward the...ocean.

That ocean where everything started.

This was the same beach he met Shizu chan a month ago and lost his memories.

It was afternoon and they had chosen the hotel to order lunch. The tuna melted on his tongue and Shizu chan drank vodka.

Izaya feared he might get drunk but he didn't. The people were friendly. There was a performance going on. A dark skinned singer wearing bikini was singing a pop song. Shizu chan joined the band as violinist.

Izaya took out his camera to film the whole thing. He wasn't sure if Shizu chan was drunk or not but that he didn't want to miss those priceless faces he would make after watching himself. And quite the contrary to what he had thought, Shizu chan was good at playing it.

The way his muscular arm holding the stick, slipped over the strings and his chin supporting the violin itself. His face was tilted a bit and his vision trailed that neck.

Oh gosh.. This all made him blush so hard that he considered the possibility of actually running away or knocking Shizu chan down. How comes a dumb protozoan could suddenly get that sexy?

His face was red and he sat on his table hidding his embarrassment when the waitress joined him.

"Your partner is shinning there!", She said while winking and Izaya noded, blushing.

Then she sat down joining Izaya, placing the elbows on the table and cupping her face in palms while watching Shizuo lost in violin and the singer singing around him and doing some crazy dance moves.

Izaya knew this woman. She was the same who had served her before.

And she looked familiar. Right now in all that ruckus she was writing down something on a notepad. She tore that piece of paper and folded it and gave it to Izaya and waved at him before leaving the hall. He unfolded the paper.

'It's you....', it read. He looked up at the man who was returning the instrument and noding to all that praise he had earned in last ten minutes.

Izaya smiled at Shizu chan.

He felt warm.

Warmth of someone wanting him.

He, who was hated by everyone in Ikebukuro was loved by the man he had  annoyed the most. He felt ease washing down his body. The tension left him and he slumped down in the chair. The glass Shizu chan had left still had vodka in it and he reached for it.

Cheers to his luck....

They stayed there a bit longer drinking.
Izaya ordered tuna three times and shizuo stayed contented with the booze because Izaya had done solo over vodka and he was nowhere near sober.

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