chapter 3

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The night was deep and the ocean was wild. The cold water splattered as he dragged his feet into the water intentionally for the sake of fun. He was humming some song when he heard a splash in the water. It was the fin he saw, before the fish disappeared in the water and behind his back he heard a loud shout IZzzzzzzayyaaaaa.

And with that same old Shizu chan shouting in his beautiful dream as a background music Izaya woke up with a frown decorated over his face. He was lying in his room at the hotel. The heavy curtains were blocking the sunlight which was too bright for his eyes right now. Shizu chan just destroyed his dream and he was annoyed.  Well it wasn't his fault either because it was just a dream. He got out of the bed and about to head for shower when someone knocked at the door.

"So what are you planning for today Izaya" , Namie banged the door behind her as she saw Izaya and sat down in a chair nearby with her arms crossed on her chest.
"The beach", he simply said and Namie laughed. "You are obsessed, Izaya and let me tell you this. They don't exist".  She met the crimson and Izaya smirked.

"They don't exist while you clearly had a living head of some death reaper in your procession". He clicked the tongue while Namie rolled her eyes over the statement. "Okay, fine, I believe you but that doesn't mean I'm going with you to the beach because I don't care about a human with fish tails." She was adamant so Izaya left her be. "Let's have breakfast then". She said and Izaya agreed walking back to the shower.

After some time both came out of the room. Namie was already in a black and white western suit with her long black hair tied in a bun. Her heels were producing some classy clatter and many men were giving her those stares, Izaya would call desirous but Namie didn't give them a fuck. Izaya was in his trademark fur trimmed coat and black v neck shirt. Hotel management has considered them a couple and Izaya didn't bother clearing that misunderstanding for them. He felt like playing with his humans already. They entered the dining hall as many eyes set at them. They sat on a table and a waiter came to take the order.
"Just a coffee , sugar free". He ordered and Namie frowned over sugar free," I'll take eggs and bacon along with tea". She ordered as the waiter wrote the items on a small notepad and turned back towards the kitchen.

"So what will you do if you find one?",She asked Izaya who was busy watching his humans.

"Depends". He said.

"Whats that?", She frowned over Izaya being too brief about his intentions. "Don't tell me you are going to trick it as well".
"Hoo, that's me",he glared at Namie with that bright smile she hated the most but she didn't seemed to be effected today. "You are in mood, join me". He offered.

"I'll pass" , she declined the offer and the waiter came with the trolley.

"That man you were involved with", Namie bit the bacon. 

"You mean Shiki?", Izaya looked at her, observing her carefully.

"Yes, he doesn't seem to be the person to die that easily", She took a sip while Izaya nodded. "I know ,that was just an act of putting an end to his gang, in fact he is planning something bigger". He put the empty coffee cup down.

"That the probability. Be careful", Namie said while Izaya cupped his face with his elbows resting on the table he smiled sweetly. "Namie , that was so sweet of you". He smiled. It wasn't that maliced one. Namie knew when he was sarcastic so she nodded.

"It's just I don't want my monthly pay check to halt.", She looked away from Izaya clearly embarrassed.

Shizuo was looking outside the window his bed was just adjacent to. The rain fell down as he touched the glass.  His mind wasn't working anymore. He needed rest. It all started from high school. When one day he was on the spree and Shinra introduced him to a certain flea. His first reaction after watching that irritating person was to tell him that he pisses him so he should just disappear from his sight and probably Izaya had said "make me" and the series of never ending chases started. Shizuo was so into those chases that he almost waited on him to show up so he could chase the slimy bastard out of the city. After sometime he found out that the urge to see Izaya was growing like fire plus he had some other issues regarding health started right after that stupid urge. He told his mother that just happened to be a severe pain in his chest. His mother got so worried that she passed out and he had to carry her to the hospital. After that she told him the whole story.

It's been seriously a long time since I dropped by... Lots of shizz went down in past few months.... So I'm back giving you guys an extra dose of this legend...

With that said...kuddos to ya!!!!

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