chapter 17

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Namie was consistently tolerating the mono presence of Vorona and now it was on the verge, the dam would collapse and she was already seeing herself picking a chair and smacking it right in the doll's face. The blood oozed out and she died at the spot.

"Listen lady what do you want?", Namie asked her again. "I'm here to meet him and he ain't here so I'll go now.", She stood up and Vorona did too." Now what?", Namie barked.

"Shizuo hewajima don't have any relationship yet and if I am not wrong you are Namie. A bad news.", Vorona said.

Namie turned towards her and smirked.
"You'r jealous that I and Shizuo are together how about you put it this way?", Namie suddenly knew what to do. Nature had just provided her the best time pass she could've ever asked for.

The darkness turned into a living room upon turning the lights on. He forwarded and gave the apartment a general look. It was actually modest. The furniture was expensive yet simple. The bathroom was tiled and the kitchen had everything one needs but not in a lavish style. It was clean and everything was neatly sitting in its place.

There was a blanket on the carpet near the couch infront of television and a small table on which a cup was placed. There was a bottle resting just besides the cup. He picked up the bottle. A strong painkiller was in there and Izaya couldn't understand why Shizu chan would need it.

He forwarded and opened the door of his bed room. The bed had printed off white sheets with pink flowers on it. Izaya gave it a little smile. He found Shizu chan using pink printed bedsheets cute.

"Hmm let's explore shall we?", He forwarded. There was a lot of stuff placed on his writing desk. It was a desk but it was obvious that Shizu chan didn't use it like it was supposed to be. Well he sat down in front of the drawers. Upon examination, they were locked and Izaya smirked.

"I wonder how many locks are more to go?", Slipping a black wire he sighed. A clicked was heard and he opened the drawer.

There was a box inside the drawer. Izaya got intrigued and took it out. Slipping the mini treasure chest in his lap he took a deep breath. It wasn't locked and Izaya lifted the lid just to find numerous shiny white pearls resting inside the wooden chest.

His eyes widen in disbelief. It took him a second to relate things and recalling the pearls to their mythical origin. He sat there dumbfounded for a minute as accepting that Shizu chan was a merman as it was, quite impossible. How comes he was still alive. Does that mean he had returned to water?, Was it Shizu chan who erased his memmo....

A sudden wave of pain disrupted his chain of thoughts.

Wait what was that In the end?????😉😉😉

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