chapter 10

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It wasn't like she liked the guy but recently, she felt like his family and friends were distancing themselves from her. Was it because she was working for the notorious Orihara Izaya?, She wouldn't mind that because he payed rather generously to compensate. She had nerves of steel and mind equally evil as Izaya. So no matter what Izaya did one thing was sure. He wouldn't dare to mess with her.

When she made way with Celty's head, there was no place for her to stay and work. She would have been hand to mouth if it wasn't for Izaya to offer her the job. He was annoying and had some psychological problem but she never bothered with that. She wouldn't care about why sometimes Izaya come back drenched in blood or why he often dressed as girls or why he had this twisted personality?

She had a lot to do in that pent house in Shinjuku. Then after the time passed she came upon an idea. Her point of view or maybe the reality behind the people's physical form. That are all twisted in one way or another. The only difference is in the way of applying that madness into action.

Izaya was rather blunt about showing his insanity and that was the only factor that made him annoyingly unique than others. Else what?, Everyone in Ikebukuro was a monster within. Every single one of them she knew. Kujiragi, Haruna and Anri, who knew they pocessed demons. The van gang, always at the site of danger. Kida, the leader of yellow scarfs and above them all Mikado,  the founder of Dollars. Who had  everyone in Ikebukuro in his grasp. Just a click away from destruction if he wanted. Then more optimism soaked into her and she stumbled upon another belief.

Apart from being subtle about their delirium, others were no different. They should accept it. They should accept Izaya as well. Seiji, even the love in its most aggressive form is harmful. Izaya was just being too honest with his thinking.

Accepting things as they were and Izaya how he was, she moved on. She focused on "being a valuable secretary", and helped him out over matters. She started to listen to his rambles and even answered them sometimes because now she knew that being unique is also being alone. So she did contribute a little bit in comforting the brunette. That should explain why wasn't she leaving for Shinjuku right away instead investigating about the person who joined Izaya last night and whome Izaya had no recollection of.

"But miss, we cannot give you the information on our costumers. It's against the hotel's policy." He said while Namie gave him cold stares.

"Ah come on. You know there was an accident before and one of your customers nearly drowned. Don't give me the policy references. I know them well". She snapped while tapping on the counter as the man was confused on the other side.

"But still."..," No buts", she cut his sentence in the middle while banging the wooden counter., "Let's make a deal, just give me the information of people staying at this hotel and I won't call detectives".

"But what will you call detectives for miss?", He asked with the most innocent face Namie had ever seen in her entire life and felt like punching his lights. A vein poped on her forehead. "Well", she clapped her hands once while controlling herself, displaying best smile she could muster which could be classified as the ones insanely sweet.

"Listen here mister, not everyone is blind as you think they are. Some people note how finest delicacies 'visit' the kitchen and don't come out for hours". She made air comas for visits and smiled.  "Don't get me wrong but underground set ups are illegal". The last sentence was whispered and the cyan face of receptionist was quite amusing.

"I'll give you the details of second floor residents." She heard the man. He opened the register and made a list out of the people and gave it to Namie.

"Let's work again.",She took the list from his hand while tilting her face a little bit downwards and walked up to the stairs.

"Now let's see... Hmm ", she started reading the list of useless names but one of these names got her attention.

"Oh.."..she grinned.

Hmmmmmmm, I wonder what did she find?, Wanna take a guess?, Feel free to drop by and tell me....hehe

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