chapter 15

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Finding Shizu chan was not impossible, well that was what he had thought before actually putting his plan into action. He flew back to Japan just to commence operation finding Shizu chan.

The first thing he did was meeting up with Tom san. Of course in a disguise. kanra. Yes, the girl who knew everything happening in Ikebukuro. Who was just curious about the fortissimo of Ikebukuro's sudden disappearance.

""Where have you been kanra?, Didn't see you around.", He asked her. Izaya knew he would find Tom San in the nearby bar around noon. So he took the opportunity.

"I've been away on university trip you know Tom chan, they were showing the difference between the soil of different regions.", She waved her hand in front of Tom hastly then she pouted, "and missed so many things",

"Oh don't worry kanra Chan just cheer up I'll give you a tip.",

Bingo, he thought.

"Shizuo hewajima went to Los Angeles". Tom gave him a warm smile and Izaya already felt bad for manipulating him.

"Wah~~~", stars literally poped into her eyes and she stood up banging on the table. Excited,

"this is so awesome, I mean I'm never imagined Shizuo san took trips.",

In the meanwhile, Namie was on the pavement near the building in which Shizuo's apartment was situated. She had been extra careful but somehow Vorona saw her and started following Namie as extream suspicious person near Shizuo's apartment. Namie took break from the chase and entered the cafe. Vorona entered behind her and took the same table Namie took.

Namie frowned and clicked her toungue when she sat down. Now Vorona sat infront of her looking at her with no expressions whatsoever.

"What do you want?", Namie asked. She needed no extras in the play and one of those useless distractions had just showed up.

"You are suspicious.", Monotonously Vorona concluded. "And why would you say that?", Namie raised an eyebrow. Waiting for another baseless logic thrown at her.

"Shizuo hewajima, you are here to meet him?", She asked with same voice and

Namie felt a vein piping on her forehead." I don't see how is that your problem?", She tried to control the boiling anger inside her. She was so against sneaking openly in day but Izaya had did it now and he would recieve a sizzling slap for that later." But..", suddenly her phone started ringing.

"Excuse me.", She said fishing the small screen out of her coat pocket. ASSHOLE, was shining allover the screen. She attended the call.

"What's the status?", Izaya had asked.

Enters:- Vorona, honestly she is indifferent and also she stabbed poor izzi izzi for shizzy shizzy and I won't forgive her for that. I don't like her huh... There I said it

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