chapter 18

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A  sudden wave of pain disrupted his chain of thoughts. The room swung in his vision and he felt nausea building up. The pearls rolled off on the carpet. Placing the chest on the carpet as he lifted himself off the ground and tried to stand up. His legs gave up and he fell back on the floor.

Altogether he was feeling a migraine and wanted to throw up whatever he had in lunch. Then there they were, his memories. They played like a movie in front of him. Shizu chan taking a bullet for him. It was night. The moon and then they fell into water because of him.

And then, everything was a blur. He tried to recall more but the pain elevated and he laid down to calm himself down. He called Namie for ambulance that means Shizu chan was injured but then he told him to take him towards water and he foolishly did. Both of them fell into it. Everything was making sense except the part where he was supposed to lose his memories. There wasn't one. Maybe it happened when they were underwater.

"So it was you Shizu chan... No wonder I was attracted. Huh...", Lying on his back he threw  a fit and laughed his agitation out.

Like crazy.

He didn't expect Shizu chan to be a merman.

He didn't remember him taking a bullet in heart for him.

He didn't believe Shizu chan could die. He didn't believe Shizu chan could love.

He was a monster and monsters destroy... A positive feedback starts and causes more misery both for source and sink.

He wanted Shizu chan to realise his brute strength. He sat down after an episodic hysteria and looked for more clues.

There were many journals on the writing desk and he fished out the one from the left and opened it.

"Oh good...",

Another shock.... It was the same book, he had. The mermaid and the sky full of stars. He placed it back to its place and took out the other one. It was a diary.

"Hoo look what we have here~", he whistled and opened the last page. The words were simple just like Shizu chan but carried meaning. Izaya, for once was interested in everything shizu Chan wrote in that journal. Hmm I'll be taking a look then. He read the page,

"....likes them back so I think  I'm in deep shit. Better pack bags to mom's place. Well I'll miss them and its hard... Afterall it's their fault I'm in pain!",

Who are they, was the first question Izaya asked after shutting the diary close.

"You erased my memories and made me go through such disaster and now you have some beloved worth dying upon. How cheap.", He was mad.

There was a warmth spreading in his chest and he hit the ground for the third time. His eyes were shut and he knew if he had opened them, there would be flowing with tears.

He knew, Shizu chan was a normal guy who would love to date a pretty woman and live a happy family. He wasn't that cruel to take his happiness away.

Atleast this was what he thought. After he developed feelings for Shizu chan. He couldn't help but feel jealous of whoever "they" were. His heartbeat was shooting she he recieved a text from Namie.

"Let's go read.",He watched the screen with empty eyes and got up. Turning the lights off behind him and then he finally shutting the main door of the apartment with a gentle thud. He wasn't expecting this.

The darkness he felt was overwhelming. He wished he hadn't read about Shizu chan's love for someone else.

Heavy steps took him closer to Namie at the nearest bus stop. She stood their with extra bright face.

Izaya noticed the smirk on her face and inquired. "I wonder, what makes our Namie so happy?",

"She thinks I'm dating him and now I will make this life miserable for her.", She had displayed the best smirk she could muster and an upper case EVIL popped in Izaya's mind. He had removed the wig  along with a skirt upto his knees.

"So what's next Izaya?", she asked him as they both started walking.

She had noticed that he was spacing out more. "Well I think it's time I go back and you can stay here.", He declared.

"Change of plans I see. I'll meet up with Seiji.", She was saying and Izaya noded. His fist was tightly clenched and he could feel rounded pearls in his grip.

" Namie?", He looked at her who was texting someone. "I recieved a request, the client wants information in two days. You do this job for me.", Namie wanted to say something in answer but he put a finger on his lips and winked.

"How about I pay you double for this job?", "Tch", she cut the toungue in disgust, "you really know how to play don't you?", She said and turned around.

"Good luck.", she said and entered the bus which had just arrived.

A length of 850 words is being presented to you by me Kimikousagi.... Enjoy izaya unravelling the secrets and dropping dead over everything....

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