chapter 9

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Their hearts beat automatically in water but out of water, they start to freeze. Only true love can save them and they can survive on the surface... They have the power to oblivious the obvious. They can erase memories just with a touch.

He opened his eyes. Slowly, he observed his surroundings. The room was dark and to his left the curtains were lifted for him to witness a brilliant sun rise. The intensity of light increased as the time passed and he laid there like a dead body. Not even moving a muscle.

Wait, how did he get here? He asked himself. Last time he remembered he was at the beach. It was night and he was watching the stars and...he sat up. If he remembered carefully there was someone with him last night. But who was it?, He curled his knees and dipped his head in them as he tried to remember something desperately. His head was throbbing with pain. And he wanted to scream when he heard knocks on the door and someone entered the room. He lifted his head to find Namie coming inside with a tray of breakfast in her hands. She put it besides the table and made coffee for him. Putting it on the table. She said nothing. But her eyes were demanding an explanation.

"What happened last night Namie?",He asked the brunette who was treating him with silence.

"Here I thought I was drunk", she mumbled.
"What was that", Izaya asked taking the cup from her hands and taking a sip. "Perfect", Namie heard him.

"You called me to come to the beach because someone was injured but when I came with the ambulance, it was you passed out on the sand. Have you been drinking all day, Izaya?",. Izaya who had no recollection of what happened last night watched her deadpanned.

"You think I'm lying? , Namie chuckled. She grabbed a slice of bread and gave it to Izaya, "eat up".

"I don't know what you are talking about Namie , I didn't drink nor met anyone on the beach. But...",  I do remember someone was with me last night. He watched the coffee whorls inside the cup and Namie shrugged her shoulder like she didn't care.

"Okay we will be heading back for Shinjuku?", She asked instead. Izaya, who was drowned in his thoughts didn't even heard her.

"Izaya I'm talking to you", she said a bit louder and this time he got her.

"Yeah... but only you. I'll come back when I'll feel like it. You can leave", He saw Namie who was giving him odd stares and then she made call exiting the room.

He sighed, watching outside the window. The ocean was visible from the hieght. He didn't remember what happened yet he had a warm feeling about last night. Who was with him? What did they want. Headache had settled by the time Namie returned. She was wearing a dress actually to which Izaya gave a smirk and she got totally pissed over that.

"What ?, Never have seen a lady wearing dress before?", She asked him sarcastically before putting some painkillers on the table.

"It's because our Namie had never worn such outfits before", he chuckled and a frown found its way to her face.
"I'll be heading out for some work", She informed him

"Oh I thought you were leaving?", He asked, smiling.

"Well I'm not, deal with it" . She opened the door and left. 

Odd.. Izaya thought.

Namie isn't the that bad, I like her more in  supportive roles than being bitchy all the time so here you go.

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