chapter 6

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Izaya stayed at the beach until it was dark.  Whole day, he sat there watching people enjoying their trips while he sat alone and observed every single person on the beach. With every inch sun went down, their numbers also decreased and soon he was the only one sitting in the sand watching the long set sun which wasn't even there now. Instead there was a big moon which shone brightly illuminating the water. He sat still.  He wasn't sure to find one at his hour but he sat there anyway.

The solitude of night darkened as the time passed. He thought about many things in past ten hours and right now there was one person on his mind and that was Shizu chan . He missed the chase already. He knew that Shizu chan would be no different. He had the idea that Shizu chan actually enjoyed those cat mouse chases but never said that aloud. He had claimed his love for humans and his hatred for Shizu chan because he was a monster. But sometimes, he felt the exact opposite. Namie had told him that he was obsessed with Shizuo and no matter how hard he denied he fact, somewhere in his heart , there was a voice , saying yes I do have an obsession over the monster. But he wasn't brave enough to accept it. He had this crazy idea of inviting Shizu chan to a hang out sometimes. He knew he would be straight out rejected so he never tried.

He was about to head back when he heard footsteps. Heavy boots thumped against the pathway made of stone near the bar where he ate Otoro in the morning. Izaya felt knives inside his pocket as he saw a silhouette coming out from behind the palm trees. He watched the person who he made his way towards the ocean. But then he stopped. Izaya held his breath because he was sure about one thing. His knives weren't enough to fight an armed blood thirsty yakuza .

The shadow headed looked around his surroundings and then a familiar voice hit Izaya's ears. "Izzzayaaaaa..." Izaya felt his heart beating in his head for a split second. What was that? Shizu chan was here but when did that happen?, he asked himself in awe. He was frozen in his place as the person neared him. He was Shizuo . Izaya stood up as he saw Shizu chan heading in his direction.

"What a nice coincidence Shizu chan?", He greeted the man in his sing song voice and Shizuo, to his surprise nodded. Actually NODDED, WITHOUT GETTING IRRITATED. His mind screamed as Izaya hid the perplexity under that wide leer.

"What brings you here if I may ask?", He asked one more time to see Shizu chan's reaction but it really was docile. It was dark so he couldn't observe his expressions, but one thing was for sure. Shizu chan wasn't going to attack him tonight because not every state is Ikebukuro. And they both knew it as well.

"Not your problem flea",he said. Both of them were standing , a hand length apart. "What are you doing here?, Planing something again?", He grinned. He was walking slowly and his breaths were erratic. Izaya raised an eyebrow over that because Shizu chan was actually hyperventilating.

"What's wrong, did you find another flea here ?", He asked taunting Shizuo but Shizuo sat down next to where Izaya sat. Izaya saw him waving his hand towards him and whispering something.

"Didn't get you Shizu chan", he bent down to listen what Shizuo was saying and it was certainly between heavy breaths..." Get ... The hell... Out of here..  you damn.. flea".  Izaya straightened up after listening and laughed. Very hard. He laughed as if he had gone insane.

"Haha what's wrong with you Shizu chan, telling me to go away, aren't you gonna kill me, or chase me like you always do, why letting me off so easily?",

Shizuo regretted the moment he walked out towards the beach in order to soothe his pain. A bit of swimming would be enough. His mother had told him to enjoy the city before diving in so now he was "enjoying" it. Like literally he was. Then he ate his dinner and ventured the shopping malls. Walking aimlessly for two hours and then he decided to say good bye to the surface because sudden pangs of pain raised in his chest.

He rushed towards the beech and there, a familiar stench was being mixed with the fresh breeze of the beech. And now, Izaya was laughing hard on him just because he told him to go away. He had a sudden hyperventilation and needed to dive in bit the bastard flea won't leave him alone. He was about to answer the flea when both of them heard some footsteps behind them. Some gas masked freaks with guns were halting them.. .. or at least trying to, and here Izaya was all "ohhh and woahh", more likely catch me if you can and Shizuo watched them dumbly.

"Hand over Orihara Izaya", they demanded the flea and the flea had that smug plastered over his face saying the otherwise.

"Do whatever you want just leave me alone". He barked out of frustration and Izaya pouted. "Ne Shizu chan ,you are no fun today". Then he grabbed Shizuo's hand and shouted towards he men. "Shizu chan says he will kill anyone who dares touch me."

"What  the hell, when did I say that you damn louse". He said in low voice and Izaya nodded. "Help me get away from them and I'll leave you alone. How about that, deal?", He forwarded his hand out and Shizuo glared at him clearly angry. Why would he help flea. Well he did like him but Izaya was irritating beyond hell. But if he wanted to dive in, he needed Izaya to be out of this damn site. So he just grabbed his hand and flung him behind him.

"So mean Shizu chan", he heard Izaya scowling in pain rubbing his back and trying to get up. Up front the men forwarded and Shizuo uprooted a whole goddamn palm tree and swung it over their heads.

"Next time, it will be two inches down", he warned them as they all had frozen in their place. " Now get out of here", he shouted as all men grabbed their belongings and ran away.  From the periphery of his vision, he watched Izaya clapping and admiring the beast and his useless threats. at least for him. Shizuo watched Izaya reaching him.

"That was impressive", he smiled. "I'll be taking my leave now". He waved his hand and turned his back towards Shizuo. He watched the flea leaving him alone...


He was about to call him when his vision fell over another palm tree in the front. A man was aiming for Izaya and Shizuo ran to cover for him. He was strong and he might survive but he knew this damn louse won't. "IZAYA", he shouted. The raven looked back only to find Shizuo pouncing upon him. It was too late for him to make a move as Shizuo fell over him.

They laid still for a while. Then Izaya tried to sit up but Shizu chan was heavy. He grabbed Shizuo's shoulders to lift him up and sat up. But Shizuo didn't move at all. Then his vision trailed down to his chest. Shizuo's chest. It was bleeding.

Izaya froze in his place.


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