chapter 5

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The whole day passed as he had to change the plane twice in the process but anyways, he reached the land of Los Angeles finally and looked for his stuff. He had his luggage checked from custom and the other procedures were done. So he walked out of the airport. Vorona had told him some names of renowned hotels . And he could afford them all. He chuckled. He was never short on money that was for sure. Yet he acted like a broke sometimes. His nature was simply humble. Showing off wasn't his style and he didn't care what people said.
He came out of the lobby with a suitcase and a hand carry. He was looking gorgeous with that black leather jacket and pants . The sunglasses were tucked with the hem of his white t shirt. With one hand he stopped a taxi and gave him a name.

Ah  take me to this hotel, he pointed at his phone screen . A name of hotel flashed and the driver nodded. "Hop in sire",The car started and Shizuo made himself comfortable in his seat. He actually communicated in English with the driver. He knew some. Vorona was the one who told him some basic sentences and the meanings so he doesn't get lost. He owed Vorona one. She was a great help. Soon they reached the hotel and Shizuo gave him the money and got off the ride.

With one hand , he rolled the suitcase behind him and with the other one he checked his phone. It was only 10am and he entered the hotel.

"Another gentleman comes", he heard the guards saying and frowned. There was reception just in front so headed for it. The insides of the grand hotel were too much for him to handle. He was never been anywhere this huge. His jaw dropped over the massive decoration. Everything was glowing from floor to the roof, Everything. His vision fell on the receptionist who greeted him with a slight bow. He nodded as he asked for a room.

"I'll take it for two days". He told him and the receptionist smiled. He made him the receipt and handed the keys to the tall blond. Shizuo gave him his name and headed for the rooms. His room was on the second floor and number thirty seven. He unlocked the room and closed it behind him. Threw his luggage to his right and removed his shoes and looked for the bed. On his left, was the king sized bed. He embraced the softness of angelic mattress and soon, he was fast asleep.

The hotel was near the beach and that was another plus point for Izaya. He would just walk there on foot. Namie was meeting some friend who lived in the same state. He  almost danced towards the ocean with excitement on its peak. There were many bars near the beach so he decided to visit one. The bartender was a girl, who was quite fast on her heels. She approached him with a glass of juice and presented him. Izaya was taken aback for a while because of her homely attitude but then he ordered tuna. Then he watched the huge palm trees grown alongside the beach and people surfing on the waves. His eyes were restlessly observing the surroundings when he saw two men entering the bar wearing black suits.

"Ah Namie ... You were right. They are here but I wonder what do they want". He talked to himself and sighed and soon the girl came with the plate of Otoro to which Izaya gave a pretty bright smile.

Then he split his chopsticks and thanked the girl who nodded in response and went back to serve other customers. The men were sitting behind him and were totally ignorant of Izaya being informed of their presence. Izaya wasn't the one to rush the things so he ate his tuna in peace and payed the bill. When he passed by the men who watched him leaving through the exit, he saw them ready to leave after him. So he simply threw a pocket knife towards them to keep them alerted that no one messes with him. One of them watched the knife and the other saw Izaya leaving.
"He knew we followed?", He asked the other and he shrugged, "that's Orihara for you",

Hmm......isn't that too much for today?, Well I'll leave ya guys with one more update for today... Yayyyy

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