chapter 14

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Izaya was walking on the beach. He had a v neck on his frame and Namie was sunbathing somewhere in back. He had to admit, that he had never been annoyed to such level before. None stood against him this big time but of course Shizu chan was an acception. Always unpredictable.

Locally brewed booze acting all hooch now, he whistled after commenting on Shizu chan's current behaviour. He danced all over the place but then the sun set and people left but he still sat there. 

His favourite fur coat was missing and he had no idea where to find it. He sat there while sun went down. He didn't know untill Namie coughed a little to inform him of  her presence.

"Oh Namie, you scared me", he put a hand on his chest acting it out all the way.

" Cut it Izaya.", She said while settling down besides him on the sand.  Her long dark hair flew in the wind and she was staring into something abstract. Beyond the setting sun in front of her. It was all in the shades of gold, the sea was amber and the sand brown. The sky displayed spectrum of yellow toned colours.

"You know Izaya, just let it go. Let go back to who we were. Even it was Shizuo hewajima. ", She turned her head towards his side only to watch Izaya's wide eyes.

He was actually amazed like how was he so obvious about it. He was waiting for Shizu chan to return. He didn't say a word but Namie heard it. If that was the case then Izaya no longer found it necessary to hide the facts anymore.

He promised himself that he won't run anymore at  that moment. He would do whatever in his power to find Shizu chan again. And find his lost memories. He had a hunch that whatever was wrong, this beach was the part of it. He would arrange freaking gills if  he had to.

" Namie, let's face it.", He stood up.

Extending a hand towards the sky full of stars, he felt like a part of the huge nexus of stars. It made him feel  small but he would deal with it for a while. Shizu chan, for once, was more important than his God complex.

" I will find him, and no, I won't give up. You will support me", he told the lady besides him sitting in the sand smiling with mixed anger and satisfaction.

"It's not like I have a choice.",

" Let's show them what happens when evils try to be good for once?", He smiled brightly.

" Well someone's optimistic", she chuckled. Izaya noded.

His personality was shichzophrenic, that was for sure, Namie knew the second she became his secretary. Not that it was really what she described him to be.

He wore masks. His collection was wide. From that mischievous smirk to the crying sad face, he could wear any in seconds. Afterall this was the most important tool to manipulate his beloved humans. What were his honest feelings?,

She had never witnessed them before and hoped to see him crying broken at some point but right now, she saw what he really was capable of. It wasn't the maliced one. She could tell he was honest. She liked it. Wiered though but she did.

She would help him, if he keeps her highly paid, that was what she had told him and earned that " greedy bitch "  look from the brunette.

Izaya is one stubborn asshole so he wouldn't give up that easily.... Let's see what his big plan is, stay tuned bruvh

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