chapter 2

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Clouds were hovering over Ikebukuro and everything right now was covered in mist. There were lots of people out in the evening as the city grew cold. Shady businesses were going on in the dark allies, Shizuo passed by. He wasn't wearing his bartender uniform, instead he had a baggy, off white sweater on, with some colourful pattern around the neck. The jeans he wore was also in uptight condition. The sunglasses were nowhere to be seen but a cigarette was hanging between his lips. He breathed in those toxic chemicals and the smoke filled his lungs . He looked around while sighing and kept on walking unless he found himself in the city square. Lots of people once again, he frowned. His destination was unknown but he forwarded anyway. The park was filled with dates. The wired blond guy named Kida was also sitting in a bench with his girl. Shizuo chose to ignore the couple as he walked ahead. Then he entered a bar. It was a small space and to be honest Shizuo remembered how Izaya framed him and his master fired him from the bar. Rage built inside him but he controlled the sudden urge to throw the bar upside down. 

"Hey Shizuo, what are you doing here?", Shizuo turned back only to find Tom and Vorona heading towards him. 

"Shizuo sempai is disturbed", Vorona stated monotonously and Shizuo smiled genuinely towards her. "Let's have a drink then", said Tom as they all sat behind he counter and ordered alcohol. 

The goblets were in front of them as the bartender gave a scrawny look to Shizuo and moved to next cube , Shizuo watched him taking out an ice in shape of square and he knew what the bartender was about to do, he started crumbing off the corners of the cube and soon the cube was converted into a sphere. 

"Shizuo , so what did you want to tell me this morning, before you sent that Kaze guy flying towards moon?", Asked Tom while taking a sip from the glass. 

Shizuo sighed as he nodded because he suddenly remembered what happened. A guy named Kaze interrupted him when he was about to ask something from Tom this morning. "Ah that, well tell me about the procedures to get to America."

Tom's jaw dropped over that and Vorona was a bit surprised. "Why does Shizuo sempai want to go there?", She asked with interest and Tom nodded. 

"Because I feel like hangin' outside Japan for once, ya know touring and stuff.", He replied dumbly while rubbing the back of his head. 

"I see, so you are just tired of Japan and want some rest well go ahead ask Vorona about it she has better knowledge than me in this regard."

Vorona nodded as she was happy to be his guide. Shizuo looked outside the bar. It was raining now. He clicked his tongue because now he had to wait for it to stop raining. Shizuo sure was acting wired today and both of his audience had noticed that. 

After sometime they got up because Vorona was late from her night practice and Tom was being called by their boss. They left Shizuo alone once again but in the meanwhile , Vorona had told the basic steps to get to the plane, take off, land off and some instructions. And Shizuo was grateful for that . 

When it stopped raining he stepped outside and ran for his apartment like crazy. He was extra careful not to step in the puddles and pass under the bridges where he was most susceptible to water touching him. It was cold but he didn't feel a thing. Upon reaching his apartment he locked the door behind him and slipped at the bottom with his legs giving in beneath him. He sighed. He was in super need of some refreshments. So he hurried towards the fridge and opened it. Grabbing some strawberry juice from the door shelves, he gulped every last drop of it just in a second or two. Then he turned back to the couch and made himself comfortable in it with a blanket. He covered himself fully and turned the TV on. There were some documentaries , Shizuo was least interested in and one channel down was some drama going on. Some Korean chick was fighting with a dude and Shizuo rolled his eyes over the acting she was doing there. Almost felt like she was bitten by a mad dog and now acted like one. Scenes changed and there was a newscaster and his critics sitting around a round glass table rambling over some hot politics of these days. All that channel get from Shizuo was " good for nothing pieces of shit boasting about how great they smell", look and he changed it as well. His phone besides him rang as he looked at the number flashing on the screen. 

"Hello mother", he gave a pause just to hear an amazingly exciting voice of her mother from the other side. "I heard that my darling Shizuo is ..having issues regarding water?"

"Well yeah you can say that." He was totally dumbfounded and he had an idea why his mother was suddenly so ... Silly about it. 
"So what are you gonna do about it, my little Shizuo ???", She whispered , there was nothing he could do. Really his heart ached as he sat down and looked at the TV screen. "What should i do?", He asked and his mother gave him a chuckle. 

Just go love somebody, if they return the favour, there you go but if its the otherwise the return to the ocean. That's the only way to survive.". Harsh. But the only possible way.

"That's not very helping is it?", He gave a sarcastic reply and earned laugh from the other end. Then her voice got serious all of a sudden , "Shizuo, I love you and I would never want you to get hurt. You know that right. So I'll help you. But it doesn't work out then you have to do what I told you because I just can't lose you". She was saying and a soft smile found its way to Shizuo's lips. 

"I know, you are the best", He gave her a thumbs up for being he best mother ever. "Haha I know that Shizuo and I'll tell you one thing on advance. I came from the Pacific ocean.", With that the line went dead and Shizuo put the phone down back to the carpet and closed his eyes. He was warm and slumbered into sleep soon.


Okay y'all might have notice the dressing I've been explaining like my life depends on it. Honestly I like Shizuo better when he is all suit up. And of course the fashion. It's not like Shizuo doesn't know how to dress up. Afterall he handsome... He mah lyf...yeah yeah...okay I'm gone. Bye... Oh one thing more. THIS WORK IS NOT BETA-ED SO IF YOU FIND ANY MISTAKES FEEL ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY FREE TO POINT OUT. KUDOS TO YOU,*,*✓

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