chapter 13

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He didn't mind growing a tail.

He didn't mind a girl growing a tail.

He didn't mind following an unknown girl to some colony.

He didn't mind dark rooms and the wiered ship settlements.

BUT WHAT THE HELL?,  The was an octopus with twelve tentacles and each one of them had some sort of ornaments glued over them was grabbing and wrapping itself with his legs.

"Agh.", he jerked his legs to get ride of the sticky creature." Get off, it's disgusting.", He said while rushing over the fact that the very being was the " grandfish" Hiro was talking about. 

What the fuck he thought. The clingy creature separated itself from him as he settled back on his pillow.

"Common grandfish, you scared the shit out of him.", She pouted behind Shizuo and the grandfish laughed. His voice was heavy and he seemed a little bit eccentric but that was all. Not that he posed any threat to Shizuo after he told him who he really was.

His mother was quite a thing here, figures. It was his mother afterall. Namiko was the one who gave the decendents of the present population,  the idea of living inside the abandoned ships. She came up with such wonderful strategies that people would wonder that where these plans were coming from. Some thought she was pocessed by the goddess of war. Who was second to none in bloodshed. She was the elder before she met his father when she was on her usual stroll and a ship sank nearby. The people she rescued were all nothing but mere humans to her but the man she saw there, she followed him to Japan. Then they got married. So that's how Shizuo and kasuka were born and stuff.

He was allowed to live there in the grandfish's house. Hiro was a bit concerned about him because grandfish was wiered and Shizuo might die if he ever threw a fit about how big of a fan he was of Shizuo's mother and strangle him to death.

Shizuo found it interesting on the other hand. He told himself that he will be fine plus he was allowed to go to surface for a quick stroll. It was normal like he had to sleep underwater but he could go anywhere during day time.

To be completely honest writing these scenes is too hard for me so forgive me if Its not up to your expectations....also, this story is not beta-ed so forgive me for any mistake blunder

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