chapter 21

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Shizu chan was closing the gap between them and Izaya failed to read what he had on his mind. He could crush his head with a bam or break his bones or anything but Izaya stayed because he was going to show him what he had missed, probably the most important scene of the whole movie.

There was no sound. Just a dim light scattering through a lamp post nearby. Shizu chan came one step closer and made him lean against he tree.

Then he put both of his arm on the tree pinning him. His heart was fluttering with anxiety and excitement. Suddenly he felt like his whole body was on fire for Shizu chan had slammed his lips over his and kissed him.

"You remember something?",  His mind went blank and he heard Shizu chan whispering in ear.

Off course not you dumb protozoan.

He wanted to speak, wanted to scream but no words came out. His vision went dark for a second, stars and sparks cracked together, and he found himself underwater, where his lungs were giving up and he couldn't breath. His vision was getting dark and he felt his heart pounding fast and tears rolled in the endless deep blue. It was hard to breath and every second passing by, Izaya felt like the soul was leaving the body. Suddenly, he felt an arm wraped around his waist and warmth on his lips. He opened his eyes just to watch Shizu chan and his lips fixed over his , sharing the oxygen. His other hand was behind his head, supporting him. Half lided crimson orbs matched the gold ones and then he felt like the surface came closer. The lips parted and he was thrown out of the water.

He took a deep breath before opening his eyes and same golden eyes were intact in their place.

Izaya slumped down and his legs give way beneath him. Shizuo followed the lifeless body untill he hit the roots of the tree.

He had passed out for sure this time and Shizuo couldn't get how a kiss could make someone faint. He picked the frail body over his shoulder and headed for the hotel. The night was still young and stars were shinning brightly.

Crazy flea.

He remembered, when he interferred with Shizu chan.

He remembered how they were surrounded by Shiki's men and..

he remembered how Shizu chan took the bullet for him.

Everything was cleared as crystal. Right now he was in the bed and the covers were draped over him and it looked like a cocoon of covers. He got up just to find himself in his hotel room.

There was no one else besides him and the room seemed to be empty. After getting ready Izaya made his way to his neighbour who happened not to be in his room.

So Izaya headed for the dinning. His eyes searched for a mop of blond and he found him on one of the tables eating breakfast. Izaya smirked.

Shizuo had another terrible experience last night when he finally slept, the receptionist banged the door to let him know that the week was over and his reservation had been cancelled. Shizuo controlled himself from actually tearing his limbs apart and threw some bills on his face.

Now he was totally out of it. Dark circles and swollen eyes were saying it all. He had a cup of coffee in his hand and news paper in the other. The temper had still not settled but he was managing.

Then he heard a knock on his own table. Lowering the newspaper , those red orbs with a wide leer came into his focus.

"What do you want?", He asked almost growling under his breath.

"Oh Shizu chan why so rude, I thought we had somethings to discuss.", He raised his eyebrow. Placing his face in the cup of his palms and elbows on the table. Shizuo watched him deadpanned and continued reading the paper. Well he wasn't really reading the text but ignoring the raven infront of him.

"What?, I dont want to talk.", He said rejecting the raven who pouted at the response.

"Common. Let's go to the beach.", He offered and Shizuo watched him from above the newspaper.
"Which part of 'I don't want to',  you don't understand?",he growled and waiter came to serve Izaya's order. That shut Shizuo up. He wasn't annoyed but he was trying to hide that enormous amount of embarrasment from last night that he could die and Izaya seemed to be least affected.

"Listen Shizu chan. No matter how much you avoid me, I am not going to forget anything again. So just give in already.", He purred, lifting the cup and Shizuo kept his eyes fixed on the text whereas those tiny orbs were fixed on him all the time.

"Say Shizu chan.", He placed the cup on the table watching Shizu chan who had appearently finished reading the paper and was folding it now. He raised his brows inquiring and Izaya continued.

"Do you have someone special?",

It's the part everyone might be waiting for... And so just like this izays's memories hit home.....stay tuned for the final chapter.... It will be the final one Fo SHO

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