chapter 16

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He knew Namie had few screws lose but this time, the whole toolbox was missing and he admitted, she got him off  gaurd for once.

Walking out of the cafe and seeing Tom san off, he had just dialed Namie for the progress. She had to break in the apartment and both of them would go back to Los Angeles from the night's flight. Time flashed four thirty on his watch and dialed Namie's number The other side was being picked and then Namie had spoken in most friendliest way.

"Hellooo, yeah how have you been?", The question had been asked and Izaya found himself in weeds. What was wrong with her. But then his mind went to that part where there was a possibility of Namie accidentally meeting someone they know.

"Where are you?", he had asked and regretted.

"I'm here to meet darling Shizuo. But he isn't home.", Izaya felt his earlobes on fire.

As he smiled. "And the award of actress ASAP goes to Namie~~~", he sung in response and Namie squirmed on the other side.

"You know naw, don't tease me. He is my darling. Promised we would be watching movies together.",

"When did he ever meet you Namie?".

Izaya chuckled. "You keep them busy I'll go in your place and try not to saturate them with your love stories.",The line was dead and izaya noded at the screen. He was in his kanra get up and ran towards the apartments and made sure no one followed him.

Reaching the cafe, he didn't stop and walked pass the building and entered the lobby. It wasn't huge but the stairs were just in front of him. Third floor was quite the height from the balkony he stood on. He knew the second from left was his.

His heart was fluttering, what if he was home?, But it was locked. The locks huh?, The smirk was there and he took off one of his bobby pins from hair, inserting and moving it inside the lock, a click was heard and there, done. The lock was open. Izaya stood up and opened the door as if it was his own. Closing the door behind him he saw nothing but darkness.

Izaya invades shizuo's place let's see what he finds there.  Woah~~~ the end is near..

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