Chapter 3

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-Author's Note-

Hey guys! I actually have big plans for this story. I hope to attract new people as most of my followers are Marvel fans, where are all my fellow EXO-Ls? If you're enjoying it so far, remember to vote and follow me! Enjoy!

"Huh?" You mumble, your body still aching from the fall.

"You speak English, right?" Chanyeol asks.

"Yeah, I do..." His other question finally seems to transmit. "I think I'm okay."

"Did you see what happened?" Kyungsoo steps forward and you glance at him.

"I really don't know. Everyone started running towards the exits, I saw the stage and crawled over. Those... Things are everywhere." Noticing the stammer in your voice, Chanyeol holds out a hand. You slowly take it and he pulls you to your feet. It's at this point that you can get a good look at everyone. Exo is standing right in front of you... In any other situation, you would have squealed with excitement but now you remain confused and scared.

"The news is going on about a terrorist attack." A security guard walks over, looking at his phone. A terrorist attack? No way. They certainly did not look like people. You shiver, remembering the way that thing's leg snapped when you kicked it. And the stuff coming from its mouth... It wasn't normal.

"Those things aren't people." You say coldly. "That thing crawling towards me... It was a monster. And they're all around us." The group looks at you with confusion and worry. "I know this sounds crazy but they seemed more like zombies."

"That's crazy. Doesn't that stuff only happen in movies?" Baekhyun asks, his eyes wide and fearful.

"Then how else would you explain it? The skin was peeling from their bodies and the colour... It was unnatural." The group falls silent, unable to come up with an explanation. You sigh deeply. There is a sudden banging on the door you fell through. All eyes are drawn towards the sound. The banging is sort of muted as if someone is making a weak attempt to break it in. You take a step towards the door and listen. Quiet groaning and gargling echo through the metal, sending chills through your body.

"Is it one of them?" Chanyeol asks quietly. Silently nodding, you return to the group.

"We need to get out of here," Kai speaks up. "The cars are just outside, we can leave through there." He points to a fire exit across the room.

"Where will we go when we get to the cars?" Baekhyun asks. Kai takes a moment to think before saying:

"The hotel we're staying in is fairly far from here. It would be safe there." The group exchanges nods and approving hums. Glancing at you, Sehun asks something in Korean. Before you can ask what he's saying, Chanyeol cuts in, also speaking in Korean. Sehun seems worried about something but Chanyeol sounds pretty insistent. More members join the conversation, their eyes darting to you and back at the others. Louder moans and thumps on the door cause their voices to quicken and increase in worry. Then you hear it, a loud crack. All eyes are on the door. It seems to be bending.

"Guys, we need to go. Now." You say urgently. Kai nods and starts to usher the group towards the door. You hurry along behind them with the security guards joining you. The air quickly gets colder as you reach the exits. The group seems to slow to a halt and you head to the front of the group. Kai stands with his ear against the door.

"I can't hear anything except sirens." He says and slowly pulls open the door. He peeks through the crack for a moment before fully opening it. "Come on." The cold night air adds to the eery feeling in your body. Darkness seems to swallow the street and the streetlights create dancing shadows on the pavement. Blue and red flashes in the distance and helicopters can be heard overhead. The screams of fans still echo out of the stadium. Two large black cars that look more like limos are parked across the street.

A Light In The Dark » Chanyeol x Reader Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now