Chapter 35

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"What are you doing in here?" Mr Lee asks calmly, his eyes flickering down to the book in your hands.

"We wanted to talk to you but you weren't here and-"

"So you thought you'd have a look around?" He cuts you off, leaving you lost for words. "I have no doubt you heard every word just now, and I want to make sure those words don't leave this room." The fact that his threats are said in such a soft tone makes you extremely uncomfortable.

"You mean about the solution." Out of the corner of your eye, you notice the thin man across the room tense up at your words.

"The people, they wouldn't understand. It's for the good of the group." Mr Lee shakes his head in some sort of pity.

"You can't do it. Those people are innocent!" Faces flash in your mind. Some old, some young. None of them deserves to be kicked out.

"That's why it's better for them. By the morning, all our problems will be solved."

"How will it solve their problems? You can't do this."

"Do you think I want to kill them? We have no choice. If I didn't do anything, we'll have starved to death by the end of the month."


"You have to understand. Their sacrifice means that we can survive."

"Sacrifice?" He's crazy. You start to walk towards the door but he grabs your arm.

"You can't tell them." What's he gonna do, wait till the moment he shoves them out of the gates? "It'll cause a panic, putting everyone at risk. Please." You yank your arm from his grip and to your surprise, he makes no attempt to stop you again. The three others all stand still. They just watch as you open the door. Just before you close it behind you, Mr Lee's voice echoes from the room.

"It'll be painless. They'll just drift away in their sleep." 

"(y/n)!" Chanyeol is standing to the side of the door, clearly surprised that they just let you leave. 

"What happened?" Baekhyun notices that you still have the book in your hands.

"Sacrifice..." You whisper to yourself. Is he... Planning to kill them? But how? You remember the woman saying something about it being slow. Something that takes time. An infection? "Painless"... Poison. How could he poison that many people without them knowing? He couldn't have force fed it to them. 

"Name?" A voice to your left grabs your attention. You look at the long line of people waiting to get their bottles refilled. The man refilling the bottles has a sheet of paper. A list of names. The length of it suggests that not everyone's name is on there. A selection.

"The water." You mumble.

"What? What about it?"

"The solution. They've- They've poisoned the water."

"Are you sure?" Chanyeol looks horrified.

"Not all of it. I think they're only dosing certain people's drinks." You flip open the book to the list of people. "The names with dots by them, that's who they've poisoned." Your eyes scan the list, most of the dotted names seem unfamiliar. However, the two of you seem to spot one name at the same time.

"D.O," Chanyeol grabs the book and reads over the name again in disbelief. "No..."

"What if he hasn't drunk it yet?" Baekhyun says quickly. You stare at each other in silence for a moment before all sprinting towards the hall. D.O is sitting in the usual area, chatting with the others. He reaches for his bottle.

"D.O! Stop!" You cry out, stepping over beds and people to get over to them. Chanyeol is much faster than you, speeding ahead and screaming for D.O to stop. He freezes as the bottle touches his lips and turns around in confusion. Chanyeol lunges forward, smacking the bottle from his hand. The bottle flies across the room and starts to leak all over the floor.

"What was that for?" D.O snaps, shoving Chanyeol back.

"Did you drink any?"

"Why are you-"

"Have you drunk anything from that bottle today?"


"Thank god." You gasp and collapse onto the bed.

"What's going on?" Kai asks. Chanyeol looks at you and nods. You begin to explain everything, from the moment Baekhyun expressed concern right up to learning that D.O was in danger. The boys look horrified as you go on, muttering amongst themselves. Once you've finished, you all sit in silence. 

"What are we gonna do?" Chen finally asks.

"We have to find the people on the list, maybe it's not too late for some of them." The boys nod in agreement at Lay's words.

"Then we need to tell everyone about what Mr Lee did," Suho adds.

"What are we going to do to him?" Baekhyun looks around anxiously.

"It doesn't matter right now. Those people on that list, they might still have a chance. We need to find them." Chanyeol flips the book open, tracing his finger over the dotted names.

"What if they've already drunk some?"

"Then we'll deal with them."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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