Chapter 9

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-Author's Note-

I recently downloaded Superstar SM and I'm so addicted to it. The hard levels are insane! I can barely 3 star the normal levels.  But I'm sure I'll get better with practice. I'm onto season 7 of The Walking Dead now and everything is so hectic, but I love it so much. Anyway, enjoy!

"Alright guys, listen up." Kai draws the attention of the group. Most of them have lollipops in their mouths, Chanyeol's little surprise really seemed to improve the atmosphere. You've already finished yours so you're just chewing on the plastic stick. "We may be safe right now, but we don't know for how long. I think we should start moving before it gets dark."

"Where are we going to go?" Baekhyun asks.

"I'm not too sure yet, but-"

"And how are we going to get there?" Sehun's condition has improved dramatically. His forehead has stopped bleeding and he seems rather energetic.

"Once again, I'm not too sure. But as I was going to say-"

"What about the ambulance?" Kai's much calmer than you would expect when he keeps getting interrupted. He shakes his head at Xiumin. 

"There are walkers inside it."

"We could draw them away." Chanyeol suggests, pushing his finished lolly stick into the ground.

"It's too risky."

"But if we could get them away, then we could take it. All of us would be able to fit inside." Chanyeol's suggestion gains a few nods from the group. You see that Kai's about to object, so you cut in.

"It could work. Then we'd have a bunch more supplies. I think it's safer than walking." 

"(y/n), what happened the last time we used a car?" Kai sounds a bit fed up now.

"It crashed." You mumble, looking down.

"But think about how far we got. We wouldn't have survived on foot." Chanyeol quickly comes to your defence. "Plus, it's a truck. It would be harder to knock over."

"Chanyeol... It's just too risky for the group."

"I'd rather be on the road than wandering through the woods at night." Murmurs of agreement spread through the group. Even though Kai is still didn't like the idea, this comment seems to have swayed him.

"Okay, let's say we all go to get the ambulance. How do we get the walkers out of the truck and get everyone else inside without being eaten?"

"We need a distraction to draw them away." Chanyeol glances around the group for ideas but he only gets shrugs in return.

"I can do it." You volunteer, standing up.

"No, you can't." You raise an eyebrow at Chanyeol, did he really just say that?

"Why not?" Crossing your arms, you take a supposedly intimidating step towards him. He just sighs and mimics your posture.

"It's too dangerous for you."

"Then it wouldn't be a problem for you to do it?"

"Not at all. It's easy enough. Just get them to chase me, then run back. They're slow, no problem at all."

"Then it's settled." Kai once again takes control of the situation. 

"When are we leaving?" Chen asks.


-By The Road-

You relay the plan over in your head. Chanyeol goes onto the road first and opens the truck doors. Then he'll draw the walkers away whilst the rest of the group gets in. He'll circle back, get in the truck and then you'll be off. You can tell that Chanyeol feels pressured, the group is depending on him.

"Good luck." Kai briefly rests a hand on his shoulder before allowing the others to wish him luck.

"Chanyeol." You catch his attention. "Don't die."

"Don't worry, I won't." Chanyeol smirks. He's acting brave, but you can tell he's nervous. He climbs up the ditch, taking one last glance back before disappearing over the barrier. You quickly climb up after him and peek over the top of the ditch. The three walkers outside the truck have moved to the front to finish off the driver. Chanyeol doesn't hesitate at the doors, he yanks them open and jumps back. 5 walkers stumble out of the truck. The noise draws the three other walkers over. The braveness on his face is replaced by sheer terror as he swivels on his heels and bolts down the road. 

"Go, now!" Kai orders and the rest of the group scrambles up the ditch. "(y/n) and I will go in the front, she needs to navigate. You guys get in the back but don't shut the door." The idols do as they're told and get into the back of the truck. Kai quickly hops into the driver's seat. Luckily the keys are still in the ignition and the truck rumbles into life. You stand by the door of the passenger side. "(y/n), what you doing?"

"Making sure Chanyeol's okay." You know Chanyeol can outrun them, but you have a bad feeling in your chest. Those 8 walkers are taking up the whole of the road, how can Chanyeol possibly get around them? "Kai..." You mutter. He should have circled around them by now, they're far away enough. "Kai, give me the gun."

"What?" He looks at you with concern. "You don't know how to use it."

"Kai, now." The authority and fear in your voice are enough to tell him that he shouldn't argue. He hands you the gun and you start running.

"(y/n)! Come back!" Kai shouts to you, poking his head out of the window. Chanyeol's in trouble, he needs a way to get past them. You could try to shoot them, but you've never shot a gun before, you might hit Chanyeol by accident. He needs a gap to get through, you could distract them with the noise. Once you feel like you're close enough, you point the gun in the air and pull the trigger. The shot is much louder than expected, causing your ears to ring slightly. The walkers definitely heard it. You were expecting maybe a few to turn around, but it draws the attention of the whole hoard. 

"(y/n)! What are you doing?" Chanyeol's voice rings through the air and you see him running towards you. 

"Saving you!" You shout back, smiling proudly.

"(y/n)... Run!" Your pride is short lived as you realise that the group of walkers is now headed towards you.

"Oh..." Turning on your heels, you start running as fast as you can towards the truck. Chanyeol quickly catches up to you and runs by your side. 

"What were you thinking? I told you that I wouldn't have a problem!"

"But you obviously did have a problem and if it wasn't for me then you'd still be running in the other direction!" You can't understand why Chanyeol is so annoyed, does he really think you're that weak? The walkers are actually faster than you thought, and they're catching up to you.

"Get in the back with me, there's a door that connects it to the front." 

"Okay." You gasp, the chilling moans sending your heart into overdrive. Chen, D.O, Xiumin, Sehun, Suho, Lay and Baekhyun look terrified and are standing ready to shut the door. The two of you leap in just as you feel something brush your neck. Lay and Chen slam the doors shut behind you. There are suddenly multiple thuds at the door, sending all of you scrambling away from it.

"Kai!" Chanyeol shouts and Kai slams a foot on the pedal. You're all thrown to the side as he does a full U-turn. For a moment, the group sits in silence. You and Chanyeol lay on the floor, gasping for breath.

"That was scary. For a moment I thought they were going to catch you two." Suho clutches his injured arm. "(y/n), you were brave."

"She was stupid." You glare at Chanyeol, who sits up against the wall next to Beakhyun.

"She saved you."

"I was doing fine." Before you can argue, Kai calls you over.

"(y/n), I need you to navigate." Sighing, you head over to the door connecting the back to the front seats. You glance back at Chanyeol, who refuses to meet your eye.

"You could at least thank me." You mutter before hopping into the front seat.

A Light In The Dark » Chanyeol x Reader Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now