Chapter 24

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-Author's Note-

Happy New Year guys! I know this is a bit late but school just started up again so I've been a bit busy. This is a big year for me with exams and whatnot so updates might not be as frequent. Also, if anyone wondered what music I listen to whilst writing this story, it's the Walking Dead Soundtrack. It really creates an apocalyptic atmosphere, even if you haven't seen the show.

"Wait, we can't just run out into the streets. We don't even know where Chanyeol went." Baekhyun stops you just as you begin to climb the metal fence where you first got in. He does have a point, but what choice do you have?

"Well, he can't have gone far. Maybe he's heading back to the house?" It seems like the only logical option. Where else could he have gone?

"Shouldn't we get the others?" He paces by the fence nervously.

"It's safer if they stay here."

"But shouldn't they at least know where we're going?" You're about to try and convince him but another idea crosses your mind.

"Alright, go tell them, I'll wait here." You climb down from the fence and cross your arms. "But hurry, okay?"

"Yeah, okay." A small smile crosses his face as he turns and runs back towards the building. Once Baekhyun is out of sight, you begin to scale the fence once again. Once safely on the other side, you turn to the school. "Sorry Baekhyun." You whisper before running across the street. The skies seem a bit darker and you notice large grey clouds in the distance. Picking up the pace, you try and look for any trace that Chanyeol has been down this route. The few zombies that you see don't notice as you quickly sneak past them. Your journey is fairly quick and soon you can see your house in the distance. As you feel a vibration in your pocket, you slow down to a walk. You pull out your phone, surprised that the battery has lasted this long. Baekhyun is calling you. Before answering the call, you check that the streets are clear.

"Hey." You mumble guiltily.

"(y/n)! Why did you leave without me?" He sounds both worried and annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I just thought... I'd be quicker on my own, harder to spot."

"Have you found him?" He sighs.

"No, I'm nearly at the house. I'll call you if something happens, okay?"

"Okay, but be careful."

"I will, thanks." And with that, you hang up. As you approach the house, you realise that he can't have got in without the keys which are safely tucked away in your pocket. Trying the back gate, you find that it's locked. You reach over to unlock the latches on the top and bottom before pushing it open. The back door is still locked, so he can't be inside. You quietly approach the garden. To your surprise, Chanyeol is laying on the grass. "Chanyeol?" You whisper, cautiously walking up to him. His head turns to you for a moment before looking back up at the sky. "Come on, let's talk inside." When he doesn't reply, you sit down beside him. Looking down at him, it feels like just a normal day. He looks so calm laying there, looking up at the darkening clouds.

"Where are the others?" He finally asks.

"Well, they were going to come but I left without them." You say. "But if you want, I can call them."

"No. It's better with... just you." He mumbles softly. Slowly, you begin to lay down next to him. "Before all this, I never really got a chance to properly look up at the sky. Everything was so hectic."

"Chanyeol..." You're about to ask if he's okay, you but you know it's a stupid question. "You know the other don't hate you. You did the right thing, they know that."

"What if they could have saved him?"

"You know it was too late for that, you could see it in his eyes."

"I just..." He trails off. "I wish things were different"

"I know." You slide your hand toward his. "But right now, all that matters is that we stick together and make sure we don't lose anyone else." You're filled with a sense of relief as his fingers entwine with yours.

"Can we stay here for a while? I just... need some time to breath."

"Of course. Do you want me to l-"

"No, stay with me." He turns his head to you. "Please." 

"Okay." You say softly and shuffle closer to him. The dark clouds are closing in, knitting themselves together to form one looming cloud. The two of you lay there in silence as the droplets start to fall. Lightly at first, but the rain soon gets heavier. The grass beneath your skin becomes slippery and the clothes start to stick to you. Neither of you shows any signs of getting up. You feel like if you lay there long enough, the rain will wash all the pain away. Maybe Chanyeol feels it too. His hand leaves yours and slides under your back. He pulls you closer to him, allowing your body to press against his. Draping one arm over his chest and resting your head in the crook of his neck, you continue to watch the rain fall. The droplets from the sky are cold but the ones running down Chanyeol's cheeks are warm. Knowing that just your presence is enough, you silently comfort him as the rain takes the full force of his emotions. 

"I'm trying to be strong for you." He says quietly and turns so that his forehead presses against yours.

"I know, but sometimes you have to embrace your weakness to become stronger." 

"What if you're my weakness?" 

"I..." You find yourself lost for words, but you don't need them anyway. Chanyeol softly presses his lips against yours. In that moment, it feels like the rain doesn't even exist. All you can feel is Chanyeol's warm lips and loving embrace. You wish this moment could last forever, but it seems to be over all too soon. Once his lips leave yours, you begin to feel the rain against your skin once again. Cupping your cheek in his hand, he smiles down at you.

"Look at us, we're soaked." Chanyeol chuckles quietly. It feels so good to hear him laugh again. "Come on, let's go inside and dry off." He starts to sit up.

"Or we could stay here a little while longer." You smile, gently pulling him back down for another kiss.

A Light In The Dark » Chanyeol x Reader Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now