Chapter 7

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-Author's Note-

Another update!! Yay! I just had a mini panic attack because Chrome suddenly shut down and then when I reopened it, this whole chapter had been deleted. Luckily, I managed to restore it! 

"I think we're almost at the road." Kai mumbles, slowing down his pace. "Remember, we're only going to see what's happening. If something's wrong, we go back to the group, okay?"

"Alright." You whisper. The sirens are louder than ever, but you can hear something else. A sound that sends a chill down your spine. Groans. As you grow closer to the opening of the forest, your heart rate skyrockets.

"Don't worry (y/n), nothing's going to happen to you." Chanyeol gently nudges you with his elbow. As much as you'd like to believe him, you know that you can't. "If something goes wrong, Kai and I can protect you."

"You never know, I could end up being the one saving you guys." You relax slightly as Chanyeol chuckles quietly. It's strange that you can be smiling in a situation like this. You could be walking towards death itself.

"There it is." The three of you halt at Kai's words. Right ahead of you is the ditch, above that is the road. To your far right is the crushed heap of metal that you were sitting in just a few hours ago. A flash of white catches your eye. Your backpack. Maybe at some point, you could go back to the car and get your stuff. But right now, that's not important. The top of the ambulance is visible from your position, you can't really see anything else, but you can hear them.

"Maybe one of us should peek over the top." Chanyeol suggests. You step forward.

"I'll do it."

"(y/n)." They both begin to protest but you quickly shut them down.

"I'm light and quiet. I'll be quick and then we'll know what we're dealing with." Kai is the first to give in. Chanyeol is a little more hesitant but eventually nods. Steadying your breathing, you carefully begin to climb up the ditch. The groans grow louder and you start to notice a tremble in your hands. As you reach the top, you glance back at the two idols. They seem just as nervous as you do. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you peek over the top of the ditch. What you see makes you want to reel back in terror. Biting down hard on your lip to suppress a scream, you take in the horrific sight. The creatures are there, about 7 of them. The doors of the ambulance are wide open. A mangled body sits in the driver's seat. What used to be a man is now a bloody hunk of meat. His throat has been ripped out, along with chunks of his arms and legs. And his stomach... It's like a gaping hole. A tangled mess of organs trail down his bloodied uniform and straight into the mouth of one of those things. Five of them swarm around him like bees, their collective groans are deep and eery. The two others are crouched down in front of the truck, munching on something, no, someone. On the floor beside them is something shiny and black. A gun. So they were prepared... But not enough. You heard no gunshots earlier, so there must have been a surprise attack. The sirens... They must be attracting more of those things. Your fears are confirmed as you look to your right. Figures are slowly stumbling towards the truck. Looking to your left, even more are on their way. Trying to be as quiet as you can, you slide back down to the boys.

"Well? What's happening up there?" Kai's stern expression is rather intimidating.

"(y/n), are you okay?" Feeling a warm hand resting on your shoulder, you look to Chanyeol. "You're shaking."

"We can't go up there. The people are dead. There are seven of those creatures, and more are coming because of the siren." You just can't seem to steady your breathing.

"Do you think there's any way we can get everyone into the ambulance?" Shaking your head, Kai puts his hand to his mouth in thought. "Did you see any supplies that we could grab before more come?"

"I- There was a gun. But there's probably supplies in the back." The two men exchange glances. It's just what the group needs. Medical supplies and weapon. "You've got to be kidding me. There's no way we'd stand a chance against those things. We should just leave now, whilst they're occupied."

"Precisely. They're busy right now. We could take that chance and grab what we need. The people... They're all around the front of the truck, right?"

"Yes, but-" Kai continues to speak, cutting you off.

"Then we can sneak around the back, and take the supplies. It will be quick."

"Kai, doing that would be suicide."

"But think about it. These supplies could save our lives." You can't believe that Chanyeol is agreeing to this.

"You two are crazy... But I guess I'll hel-"

"No, I think you should go back to the group." You look at Chanyeol, confused.

"But I can-"

"Chanyeol's right. Three of us will draw too much attention. You go back and tell the others what's happening." Your eyes flicker between the two of them, you're not that weak. But you guess that Kai has a point. Sighing in annoyance, you agree.

"Fine. But if you're not back in 15 minutes then I'm going after you."

"Don't worry, we'll come back. And we'll have supplies for all of us!" Chanyeol's words make you feel a little better, but you're still filled with dread. "Anyway, we still have a tour to complete. There's no way we're going to miss that!"

"Okay. Good luck." Kai thanks you and you turn to Chanyeol. Before he can say anything, you wrap your arms around him. He's so tall that your head rests on his chest. He flinches back in shock but doesn't push you away. "Be careful." You quickly step back, feeling awkward. Oh my God, I just hugged Chanyeol. Why did I do that? He looks a bit surprised. You quickly hug and thank Kai too so it isn't as awkward, but it doesn't make much difference.  After a few more seconds of silence and half-smiles, you turn and dash off back towards the group, mentally scolding yourself. Ughhhh I'm such an awkward mess...

A Light In The Dark » Chanyeol x Reader Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now