Chapter 30

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"How about this one?" Baekhyun pulls out Monopoly. "I haven't played it in ages."

"Are you sure? People get really competitive in that." You raise an eyebrow.

"I don't see why not." Chanyeol shrugs. "But is there any point? It's obvious that I'll win."

"Oh please, you're terrible at this. You've never won a single game with us." D.O says sharply. Damn, what a savage. Chanyeol is speechless, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"I'm in." You grin, watching as Baekhyun excitedly opens the box. 

"I'll be taking this." Chanyeol reaches for the small silver car but D.O quickly plucks it from the box. "Hey!" Rolling your eyes, you pick the dog. Kai thinks for a moment before choosing the top hat. Baekhyun takes the shoe and when Chanyeol finally realises that he's not getting the car, he grabs the boat.

"I'll be the banker," Kai says and when no one objects, he moves the box of money to his side. Once all the money has been dished out, the game begins. It starts off quite slow, everyone is just trying to buy as many properties as they can. It's clear that Chanyeol's trying to buy all the expensive ones, like Mayfair. Baekhyun is spending a lot of money, and you suspect that Kai's slipping him extra notes when you're not looking. D.O's staying quiet but you have a feeling that he's getting ready for something. "Alright, looks like all the properties are gone." Kai states, causing everyone to shuffle in their seats as if you're all expecting something to happen. 

"Who's turn is it again?" Baekhyun asks.

"(y/n)'s, I think," Kai says.

"Okay, I want to build 3 houses on each of these." You point to your yellow properties. After handing him the money, he passes over the little green houses which you carefully place on the board. You then roll the dice. 7. You let out a groan as you land on one of Chanyeol's properties. It has 4 houses on it.

"That'll be £750, please." He smirks, holding his hand out expectantly. Maybe since I'm his- "No discounts." Damn, it's like he read my mind. Slapping the money into his hands, you pass the dice to D.O. He suddenly pulls out a pile of money that he's been saving up during the game.

"Hotels on the reds and yellows" He gives the money to Kai. D.O then places the little red hotels on all of the red and yellow properties. I don't wanna land on those, you think to yourself, grimacing at how little cash you have left. He rolls and lands on one of his own properties. Baekhyun goes next and lands on one of yours, but he just hands over the money without looking the least bit worried. Kai lands directly on GO, just missing Chanyeol's most expensive properties, and gets £400. Chanyeol frowns as he sees how dangerously close to D.O's properties he is. He shakes the dice in his cupped hands, blowing on them for luck. Luck was definitely not on his side. He lands on a yellow. "That'll be £1200, please." D.O mimics how Chanyeol said it when it was your turn. Huffing in annoyance, he hands over the money. You smirk at Chanyeol, but something in the corner of your eye catches your attention. Kai is slowly sliding two £500 notes to Baekhyun.

"Cheater!" You exclaim, pointing to them. "Kai's giving him money."

"He is not!" Baekhyun snaps, quickly stuffing the notes behind his back.

"Baekhyun, what's behind you?" You cross your arms. 

"Nothing." His eyes widen. D.O leans back and snatches the pile from behind him. "Hey, those are mine!"

"Not anymore." D.O holds up a stack of £500s. 

"Baekhyun should be out!" Chanyeol shouts, receiving a glare from Baekhyun. 

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