Chapter 8

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-Author's Note-

What do you guys think of the new EXO-CBX comeback? I adore it, not too keen on Chen's new hairstyle though. I'm digging the flower boy vibe. I wish Chanyeol and D.O made a sub-unit, they're such a good pair. I better stop this before I start rambling. Enjoy!

You reach the group fairly quickly. They all seem eager to know what's happening although, there are a few confused faces when they notice that you're alone.

"Where's Chanyeol and Kai?" Xiumin asks. They've all sort of crowded around Sehun, who appears to be more awake than when you last saw him. You rub the back of your neck, knowing that the group won't like what they hear.

"The ambulance was overrun. The people are dead. Quite a few walkers are already there, the sirens are attracting more."

"But where are the others?"

"There are supplies in the ambulance. The walkers are all at the front of the ambulance. Chanyeol and Kai think they can sneak around the back and grab some before more come." 

"What?" The boys seem to gasp in unison. Xiumin steps forward.

"Why didn't you go with them?"

"They thought three would attract too much attention. But I said that if they're not back in 15 minutes then I'll go after them." Thinking about it now, you feel a bit guilty. How could they possibly survive a hoard of walkers on their own? 

"We should go after them now! All of us. Then we could help fight those things." Suho sounds serious, but with his gashed arm, he wouldn't be able to do much.

"No, if they're doing fine on their own then we'll just cause trouble for all of us." You say, shaking your head.

"But if they are in trouble, we could be their only hope of rescue." Half the group appears to agree with Suho, whilst the other doesn't seem so sure.

"Guys," Sehun mumbles, trying to sit up straighter. All eyes flicker to him. "The sirens... They've stopped."

"(y/n), didn't you say that all the walkers are at the front of the ambulance?" You turn to Baekhyun in confusion.

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Aren't the controls for the sirens at the front?" His words send you rigid. If Chanyeol and Kai turned off the sirens, then they must have gotten to the front somehow. But there's no way they could have fought off those walkers on their own.

"Can we go after them now?" Suho starts to stand up but Xiumin stops him.

"You can't go anywhere with that arm. (y/n) and I will go. If there's trouble, we'll come right back." The group doesn't protest. You and Xiumin exchange determined glances before the both of you start to sprint towards the road. By the time you reach the ditch, you're a little out of breath but adrenaline is pumping through you, giving you energy. You can hear the walkers above you, but they sound a little more muffled. Signalling to Xiumin to be quiet, you both slowly crawl up the ditch and peek over the top. The back doors of the ambulance are now closed. A few walkers are clawing at it. Could they be trapped inside? "(y/n), it sounds like some moans are coming from inside the truck."

"The front doors are closed, but I can't see anyone in either of the seats." You whisper, your thoughts are filled with dread.

"So they're either inside the truck or... They escaped."

"But wouldn't we have run into them on the way here?" Your eyes scan left and right but there's no sign of them. You look at the spot on the floor where the gun was... It's gone. Suddenly, you feel something grab your ankle. You let out a small squeal and you lose your footing, causing you to slide back down the ditch. Without even opening your eyes you kick out furiously only to hear someone shushing you and laughing. Your eyes snap open to the smiling faces of Chanyeol and Kai. "What the-"

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