Chapter 14

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Day 3

Your eyes slowly open, adjusting easily to the dim room around you. It's hard to tell what time it is since the blankets are blocking any trace of daylight. The house is quiet, it must be early. All the boys are still sleeping peacefully. You don't really want to get up yet, so you simply close your eyes again. Feeling uncomfortable, you roll over only to feel something brush against your nose. Your eyes snap open to see the sleeping face of Park Chanyeol inches from yours. His nose is lightly touching yours and you can feel a warmth on your top lip each time he breathes out. It's strange being so close up. Your eyes wander down to his lips which are partly open before trailing back to his closed eyes. Hoping you haven't disturbed him, you roll onto your back. Reaching for your phone, you check the time.

6:56 am

There's no point going back to sleep now. You sigh and do a small stretch. Then, as quietly as you can, you try and get out of bed.

"Good morning." Chanyeol's sleepy voice grumbles from behind you.

"Good morning, sorry for waking you up." You whisper. He grins and stretches his long arms across the bed.

"It's fine. What time is it?"

"About 7." You say, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.



"It's time for breakfast." Chanyeol smirks, getting out of bed. You let out a quiet giggle and head for the kitchen. Chanyeol appears behind you, staring eagerly at the pile of food on the counter.

"So, we can only use the fresh ingredients?"

"Yeah. So we'll probably have to use the bread... How about cheese on toast?" You suggest and check the fridge to make sure there's enough cheese.

"Ah, that sounds good."

"Should we wake up the others?"

"Let them sleep, they can make their own when they get up."

"Alright then. Let's get the toast on first." You grab the bag of bread and take out two slices.

"Did you sleep well?" Chanyeol asks, watching as you put the bread in the toaster.

"Yeah, thanks. How about you?" You remember seeing him sleeping so peacefully.

"I slept pretty well even though we could get eaten alive at any moment." He shrugs. There's some shuffling from the other room.

"Sound like someone's awake." A few moments later, a very groggy looking Kai stumbles into the kitchen.

"He does not look like he slept well." Chanyeol mumbles quietly behind you.

"Morning Kai, how was the uh... The floor?" You ask, feeling a bit guilty.

"It wasn't too bad." Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he manages a small smile.

"(y/n) and I were making cheese on toast." As soon as Chanyeol finishes his sentence, the toast pops up. You quickly reach for it.

"Be careful-"

"Ah!" You gasp and snatch your hand away from the heat.

"I told you to be careful." Chanyeol gently takes your wrist and examines your hand. "You should run that under cold water."

"I'm fine." You sigh and free yourself from his grasp. You carefully pluck the toast from the toaster, put some cheese on top and stick it under the grill. "Do you want me to put some on for you?"

"No thanks, I can do it." Kai shakes his head and grabs some bread. "So, what's the plan for today?"

"I don't know... Mum could be anywhere. But there must be a group of survivors somewhere. That's where she would be." You peek into the grill to check on the toast. Not quite done yet.

"(y/n)... What if we can't find her?" 

"I- I don't know." You don't want to think about it. "Toast's ready." You manage a smile and take the slices out of the grill. Chanyeol thanks you as you hand a slice to him. 

"Maybe you should wake the others up." Kai suggests, checking the toaster. 

"Alright. (y/n), do you wanna do upstairs or downstairs?" Chanyeol asks.

"I'll go upstairs." Taking a bite out of your toast, you head out of the kitchen. As you walk past the front door, you hear a noise from outside. You cautiously approach the door. The design on the glass around the door makes it hard to see what's outside. Even when you press your eye right up to the glass, you can't see anything. Maybe I could get a better view from the letterbox? You kneel down and flip the letterbox open. Before you can react, a pale rotting hand shoots through the gap and grabs for your neck. You let out a squeal and stumble backwards. Its nails barely miss your skin but it manages to get a grip on your shirt. "Help!" You desperately try and wrench the hand from your shirt but it's holding on tightly. 

"If they're refusing to get up just-" Chanyeol appears from the kitchen and his eyes widen. "(y/n)!"

"It grabbed me and I can't get it to let go!" You cry out, trying to unhook its fingers from your shirt. The foul stench makes you feel nauseous as you feel yourself being pulled towards the door.

"Kai! Grab a knife!" He yells. You can hear rapid footsteps from upstairs. Chanyeol tries to pull the arm away but ends up just ripping a thick layer of skin off of it. The arm senses a moment of weakness as you stare in horror at what just happened and it pulls you forward. It only takes a split second for the hand to release its grip on your shirt and instead, wrap its cold fingers around your neck.

"Catch!" You hear Kai shout. Chanyeol catches the knife and plunges it deep into the arm. It has little to no effect. 

"Just cut it off!" You choke out, desperately trying to keep its nails from piercing your skin. From your angle, you only see a flash of silver coming towards your face. There's a loud squelch and suddenly the grip on your neck is released. The disgusting arm falls into your lap. You scramble away, breathing heavily.

"(y/n), it's okay. You're safe." Chanyeols says, kneeling down so that his eyes are level to yours.

"What happened?" Voices shout from upstairs.

"(y/n) got grabbed, you guys can come down!" Kai calls up to them. 

"I shouldn't have looked through that stupid letterbox!" You trace your fingers over the tender skin on your neck.

"You made a mistake, but it's over now." Chanyeol's words are so comforting, but you hate looking so weak in front of him. "Look on the bright side, you woke everyone up." You manage a small laugh and wipe your eyes.  "Come on." He smiles and holds a hand out to you. You take it and he pulls you to your feet.

"We've all got to be more careful," Kai says, grabbing the attention of all the boys. "If you're not sure about something, don't check it out on your own. Okay?" They all nod and mutter 'okay'.  "Alright, let's have breakfast." Most of the boys follow Kai to the kitchen but Baekhyun and Chen stay behind to talk to you and Chanyeol.

"Are you okay? Your neck's bruising up a bit." Chen asks worriedly.

"I'm fine, just a little shaken up. You guys should eat." You smile reassuringly and send them off to the kitchen. 

"You wouldn't have gotten those bruises if I'd been quicker..." Chanyeol sighs with a guilty expression.

"Chanyeol, the bruises don't matter. You still saved my life." The two of you stand in silence for a moment before you finally speak up again. "Let's join the others." As you walk past Chanyeol, you feel his hand brush against yours, his finger lightly hooking around yours before slipping away again. You glance up at him and your eyes meet for a brief moment before you turn away. Feeling a light blush creeping onto your cheeks, you hurry off to the kitchen.

A Light In The Dark » Chanyeol x Reader Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now