Chapter 15

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"So, what's the plan for today?" Chen asks. All of you are once again sat in a circle in the living room. You're sat next to Chanyeol, who seems to be in a good mood.

"Well, I was thinking about when we first arrived here. We didn't see any people on the streets. I don't think they'd all be... You know. So, they must be somewhere."

"You think they're hidden somewhere?" Xiumin mumbles through a mouthful of toast.

"I think so."

"And you think your mum will be with them?"

"I don't know... But it's the only thing we have to go on." You sigh, fidgeting with a loose thread on your shirt.

"(y/n)... What happens if we don't find her? Or if she's..." 

"We'll... Figure it out." You don't want to think about it, but it's a possibility. 

"Okay. So, how are we going to find the survivors?" Baekhyun puts extra emphasis on the 'survivors' part as if he couldn't believe he was actually saying it.

"I don't know." The rest of the boys seem just as lost as you.

"It seems like a big town, maybe it would be best if we split up?" Sehun suggests. You all exchange unsure glances. "There's ten of us. So if we go in pairs, then we could cover a lot of ground."

"It's a bit risky, but it would be faster if we did. (y/n)?" Kai looks at you, waiting for your opinion.

"Alright, let's do it."

It doesn't take long to prepare. The first thing to do was decide who's going with who. Chanyeol seemed eager to partner up with you, which you had no problem with. The others quickly sorted themselves into pairs. Xiumin and Chen, Kai and Kyungsoo, Sehun and Baekhyun, Suho and Lay. You've all agreed to meet back at the house in 2 hours. You made sure to save the location on their phones so they could find their way back. As for weapons, the four kitchen knives were given to Chanyeol, Chen, Sehun and Lay. Kai has the gun, Xiumin and Kyungsoo managed to find two metal files, Suho found a hammer and Baekhyun took...

"A frying pan?" You raise an eyebrow at him.

"It was all I could find." He says, clutching the handle tightly. You glance at Chanyeol who simply shrugs in response.

"Are you guys ready?" Kai asks. You all nod and follow him to the back gate where you find the others. "Alright, get in trouble or find anything, send a message to the group." They nod. 

"I know that this whole... situation is new to us. But you have to remember that those things aren't human." Your eyes flicker down to the bloodied screwdriver in your hand.

"We know." Sehun says.

"I was just- Alright. Just remember to aim for the head." The boys exchange a few words before each pair heads off in a different direction.

"Is your neck okay? It looks pretty bruised." Chanyeol asks, staying close by your side as you walk down the street.

"Yeah, it's fine. Stop worrying so much about me."

"I'm not worrying! I'm just... Making sure you're okay."

"If you say so." You shrug, a small smile creeping onto your face.

"Instead of going inside the houses, why don't we just listen through the door. If it's a zombie, then it will be obvious. If there are people inside, we'd be able to hear something." Chanyeol watches as the other boys disappear into the distance.

"That's actually a good idea!" 

"You sound surprised."

"No, I'm just," You hesitate, unable to think of anything to say. "Yeah."

"I'm full of surprises." Chanyeol flashes you a smirk. 

"Alright, you can check out the first house then." Crossing your arms, you stop at the pathway leading to a house. This quickly wipes the smirk from his face. 

"You're not coming?"

"Listening doesn't take two people." Chanyeol narrows his eyes at you before straightening up and marching down the path. Once he reaches the door, he kneels down and slowly opens the letterbox. He listens for a moment before quietly calling inside, asking if there's anyone inside. After another moment of silence, he stands up and heads back over to you.

"Doesn't sound like anyone's home." 

"Alright, next house."

"It's your turn now."

This goes on for a while. You've checked about 20 houses so far, all of them have been empty except for two that had zombies inside. You reach a large house at the end of a road.

"Do you want to check this one together?" Chanyeol asks.

"Alright." As the two of you make your way up the path, you can start to make out voices from inside. "Can you hear that?" You ask, unsure if it's in your head.

"Yeah, it sounds like there are people inside." He mumbles. Through the curtains, you can see the faint silhouettes of people. It looks like there's a lot of them. As Chanyeol kneels down to listen through the letterbox, you try to get a better view through the window. "The door's unlocked... But there's something blocking it." Chanyeol whispers.

"Maybe they barricaded themselves in?" You still can't properly see the figures inside. Chanyeol grunts as he tries to force the door open. "Hang on..." You mumble under your breath. There's a light inside. For the first time, you try to focus on the voices. The person speaking sounds familiar. Then you realise that it's the person you heard on the news the other day. But that means... The voices you heard weren't from the people inside, they were from the T.V. 

"Almost open." Chanyeol whispers, getting ready to give the door a final shove. You suddenly realise the way the silhouettes are moving. It isn't natural. It's like they're... Your eyes widen.

"Chanyeol stop!" You gasp, but it's too late. He throws himself against the door, knocking over whatever was behind it. For a moment, he looks confused. But then his confusion turns to fear as almost a dozen zombies pour out from the door. He scrambles backwards and you help pull him up. 


A Light In The Dark » Chanyeol x Reader Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now