Chapter 22

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-Author's Note-

EEEEE I LOVE DMUMT SO MUCHHHHHH!!!! THEY JUST KEEP GETTING BETTER. What are your favourite songs from the new album? Mine are Gravity and Ooh La La La.

"He's going to wake up, right?" Baekhyun asks, watching as Chanyeol lays Sehun down on the floor, using a folded up hoodie as a pillow. For a moment, it looks as if Chanyeol is about to say no but when he sees Baekhyun's expression, he nods.

"Yeah, of course." You all know that there's a chance he won't, but no-one wants to make Baekhyun anymore stressed than he is now. Suho won't even look at him. Suho has always been seen as the leader of the group, the mum of EXO as most of the fandom says, but it seems like the current situation is really pushing him over the edge. As Kai and Lay kneel down beside Sehun, Chanyeols stands up and makes his way over to you, Baekhyun following closely behind him.

"I should have told you guys the moment we got back. Sehun told me not to but I- I should have said something." 

"I know you were trying to do the right thing, we all do. It was a stressful situation, it isn't your fault." Chanyeol places his hands on Baekhyun's shoulders, but Baekhyun doesn't look up.

"Suho thinks it is." He mumbles.

"You know that isn't true Baek, everything happened so suddenly, he's just a bit overwhelmed." Chanyeol glances over to Suho, who's muttering quietly to Xiumin and Chen.

"But what if Sehun doesn't- He'll never forgive me."

"He just needs time to calm down and think. He won't be mad at you forever." You can't help but admire how much Chanyeol cares about him. His deep voice seems to completely calm Baekhyun down, and he finally looks up at him. 

"I hope you're right." Baekhyun sighs before turning around and joining Kai and Lay on the floor. Chanyeol turns to you with no trace of a smile on his face.

"Are you doing okay?" 

"I guess so. I just can't believe all of this is happening, just when things were getting better."

"I know things aren't looking too good right now, but whatever happens... We can deal with it." Chanyeol takes both of your hands in his, looking down at you with a softened expression.

"We're going to see what medical supplies this place has." Xiumin says, heading towards the door with Suho and Chen. You nod and watch as they take one last glance at Sehun before leaving. Kai and Lay are talking quietly whilst Baekhyun just stares down sorrowfully at Sehun. Even though he's asleep, you can tell from his expression that he's in pain. What concerns you is his arm. The greeny-purple colour seems to have spread up to his shoulder, his darkened veins looking like spider webs under his skin. There's no way any medicine here could fix this. You know it's just a matter of time before the infection fully takes over. 

"I'm sorry Sehun." Baekhyun mumbles, leaning down and laying his head on Sehun's chest. Lay gently places a hand on his back. 

"Hey Baek, let's go for a walk, okay?" Baekhyun seems reluctant at first, but then he slowly starts to get up. Lay leads him towards the door, glancing back at Kai. They look at each other as if they know something you don't.

"I still can't believe he was going to-" Kai trails off, still fidgeting with the gun. 

"He didn't want to turn." Chanyeol watches Sehun with a pained expression. If you look close enough, you can see the dark colours slowly washing over his pale skin.

"I didn't want to say it with Baekhyun around, but I don't think Sehun's gonna wake up. And if he does, it won't be Sehun." Neither you or Chanyeol try to argue with Kai, you both know it's the truth. "Maybe we should just... Deal with him now." He stares down at the gun in his hands. 

"Kai... We can't." You kneel down beside him.

"What are we supposed to do then? Wait till he turns? What if he attacks one of us? I'd rather end it now while he's still my friend rather than a monster, and I know he would too." Kai's bottom lip trembles and he squeezes his eyes shut, clearly trying to hold back tears. You look to Chanyeol, you know he doesn't want to Sehun to go, but he knows that what Kai is saying is the truth.

"I think- I think we should take him outside. Away from everyone else, where he can feel the sun on his face one last time." Chanyeol's voice is calm as he slowly reaches for the gun. Kai doesn't protest as he pulls it from his grasp. "Come on, help me carry him." Kai nods and moves over to the other side of Sehun. They pull him up, pulling his arms over their shoulders. "(y/n), you don't have to come if you don't want to." Part of you doesn't want to watch, but another part of you feels obliged to. You haven't know Sehun for long, but he's still your friend.

"No, I'll go." You open the door for them and allow them to carry Sehun out. The three of you walk silently through the halls. The blackened veins have spread up Sehun's neck, they look like tendrils creeping up his jaw. The few people you pass stare in horror before solemnly looking away. Once out of the main building, the two boys carry Sehun to a patch of grass near a tree. They carefully place Sehun on the ground, sitting him up against the trunk of the tree. "Shouldn't we get the others?" You ask.

"They'll only try and stop us. We're almost out of time. We need to do it now." Kai says coldly, his eyes wandering to the gun in Chanyeol's hands. It doesn't seem right not having the others there, but Kai is right. The veins have already covered his face, the blackness leaking into Sehun's lips and eyes. He could turn at any moment. "Give me the gun, I can do it."

"No." Chanyeol shakes his head. "I'll do it."

"Please... I-"

"I said I'll do it." Something about the change in Chanyeol's tone seems to silence Kai. He clenches his jaw and looks at Sehun. 

"I'm sorry Sehun." Chanyeol points the gun at Sehun's forehead. His finger slides around the trigger. Then you hear shouting.

"What are you doing?" Suho's voice forces your gaze away from Sehun. Suho, Xiumin, Chen, Lay and Baekhyun are running towards you. 

"Chanyeol, look." The three of you turn back to Sehun, whose limbs have started twitching. Sehun lets out a strangled groan, his eyes opening to reveal nothing but blackness. There's no trace of Sehun left in him.

"Stop!" Suho shouts angrily, getting closer and closer.

"Do it now." Kai pleads. Chanyeol's hand trembles as his finger slowly starts to squeeze the trigger. 

"I'm sorry." He whispers. Right at that moment, Sehun's black eyes look up into Chanyeols, his arm lifting up in an attempt to reach him. "I'm so sorry."


A Light In The Dark » Chanyeol x Reader Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now