Chapter 13

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-Author's Note-

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been a bit caught up with school and whatnot lately. But now it's the summer holidays! There's going to be a lot more updates over the next few weeks! This is going to be quite a long chapter as I didn't want to drag out the night into another chapter. Enjoy!

"So, what are we going to eat?" Suho asks.

"Well, since canned food lasts longer we should save them. We should eat the fresh food first, the stuff that will go out of date first." D.O says, opening the fridge.

"Okay... What are we gonna eat then?"

"There's a lot of stuff in here, I could make curry." D.O turns to the rest of the group who are all nodding eagerly.

"Alright then, that's sorted. While he's doing that, maybe we should try and secure the house for the night?" Kai peers out of the kitchen window into the empty garden.

"Definitely. We should probably get rid of the body from upstairs though." An image of the decaying body flashes in your mind, sending shivers down your spine.

"Chanyeol and I can take care of it." Kai says nonchalantly. You turn to Chanyeol who just shrugs.

"Alright, you do that." You allow the two to pass and they head up the stairs. Chen and Xiumin have already busied themselves in the kitchen, helping D.O.

"So, how are we going to secure the house?" Sehun asks. You turn to the four remaining boys.

"I would say board up the windows, but we don't have any boards." You sigh and look around for ideas.

"If they don't know we're here then we don't need to board up the windows. We just need to make sure they can't see the light inside." Lay walks past you and examines the curtains. "They're not very thick."

"Maybe we could use blankets?" Baekhyun suggests.

"Won't we get cold?"

"It's summer. The nights are warm. We'll sleep with the lighter blankets, and use the winter ones for the windows." You turn and head towards the stairs. You suddenly jump back in surprise as the rotting body from upstairs thumps down in front of you. "What the hell?"

"Sorry! We thought it would be easier than carrying it down." Chanyeol calls down from the top of the stairs. You look at him in mild disgust.

"You could have warned me..." You mumble as the two boys head down the steps. They each grab one of the arms and pull it up. As its body is lifted from the floor, it leaves behind a gooey reddish-brown substance on the carpet. Disgusted, you quickly head upstairs. The cupboard only has a few winter blankets. Maybe enough for downstairs, but not upstairs. After grabbing all of them, you return to the boys. "This is only enough for downstairs. We should be fine as long as we don't use the main upstairs lights." They nod and take the blankets from you.

"We've got this, you try and secure the rest of the house." Suho says and turns back to Sehun. Lay and Baekhyun. You hear the back door opening and then closing. You hear a shout from the kitchen, it's unmistakeably D.O.

"DON'T PUT THOSE FILTHY HANDS ANYWHERE NEAR THE FOOD!" You stifle a laugh as Chanyeol and Kai burst out of the kitchen. Their hands are covered in blood.

"The body has been dealt with..." Chanyeol says in a deep voice, pretending to be on the phone.

"Great, now go and get cleaned up." You practically shove the two up the stairs. Once they've disappeared from view, your attention is dragged towards the mouthwatering smell coming from the kitchen.

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