Chapter 16

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-Author's Note-


Love, the whole fandom

You sprint out into the street, Chanyeol following closely behind.

"Back to the house!" You yell.

"No! If we lead them back there then it could put everyone else in danger!" Chanyeol makes a sharp right turn, running in the opposite direction of the house. It's a valid point, but where are you supposed to go?

"Maybe we can find somewhere to hide and wait for them to go past?" You suggest. It seems like he was thinking the same thing. Your eyes scan the houses as you run, trying to see if any doors are open.  "I don't think we'll be finding any unlocked houses any time soon."

"Can you climb trees?" He asks.

"Uh, yeah. Why?" You ask, confused.

"Look." Chanyeol points to a rather large oak tree up ahead. "If we climb up there, then the zombies will walk right under us."

"Alright. You go up first." You nod and watch him sprint towards the tree. He climbs it easily and quickly becomes hidden in the leaves. Alright, my turn. You haven't climbed a tree in a while but it shouldn't be too hard. You scramble up the tree, grabbing a branch and attempting to pull yourself up. Chanyeol offers his hand which you gladly take, allowing him to pull you up. "Thanks." You sigh, sitting on a seemingly sturdy branch.

"Now we wait." He mumbles, glancing at the small hoard in the distance. 

"Once they've passed us, we can go back-"

"No, we need to keep looking." Chanyeol interrupts you, looking at you intently. "We're going to find her."

"Okay." You manage a small smile. The zombies are getting dangerously close, but they don't seem to have noticed you. The two of you look down silently, watching them pass underneath. You try to get a good view of their faces, trying to see if you can recognize any of them. As you lean forward, you grab a smaller branch for support. 

"Careful." Chanyeol whispers. You both continue to watch the rest of them pass and wait until they're at a safe distance. 

"I think we're good." You finally say, satisfied that they won't hear or see you coming back down. Chanyeol begins to climb down.


One of the branches that Chanyeol is holding onto snaps. Since he's tall, the fall isn't too high. He lands on his feet with a thud. "Are you okay?" You ask quietly, still cautious about the zombies in the distance.

"I'm fine. But I don't think you'll be able to climb down without that branch." That means you'll have to jump. It's pretty high for you, but you should be able to do it. Noticing your worried expression, Chanyeol grins. "Here, let me help." He positions himself under the tree, holding his arms out.

"I can do it." You dismiss him and perch on the branch, trying to find a good spot to jump from. Just as you push off from the branch, your foot slips and you fall forward right into the arms of Chanyeol. He stumbles back slightly but quickly regains his balance. "Okay, maybe I can't do it." You can't help but smile as an 'I told you so' grin spreads across his face. Chanyeol gently places you on your feet, but his arms remain wrapped tightly around you. His face is so close to yours, reminding you of the what happened this morning. You look into his eyes, wondering what's going through his mind. Chanyeol's nose brushes against your as he leans closer. Your heart pounds in your chest. Is this really happening? His lips lightly brush over yours before he turns his head away, leaving you slightly confused.

"I'm sorry, I know this isn't the right time to..." He trails off, releasing you from the hug. You find yourself speechless. "Let's just keep looking, okay?" Part of you doesn't want to keep looking. When you were in his arms, you felt completely safe, like nothing could hurt you. Now, standing in silence, you feel colder. He was the warmth that you didn't know you needed till you had it. You want to tell him that in a world like this, there will never be a right time, there is only now. And you should make the most of it. But instead, you just force a smile and say:


A Light In The Dark » Chanyeol x Reader Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now