06 • xans don't make you

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Diego stayed asleep the whole drive to my house which I was some what grateful for.

I was having trouble waking him up so I called Cece for help.

"How the hell did this happened?" Cece asked me while staring at a passed out Diego

"Long story" Was all I said

I don't know how he managed to not wake up once while we were trying to get him out of the damn car. It was a real struggle to get him out and into the house. It's not like he's heavy we just literally had to drag him inside.

I was worried at first because he hadn't woken up but Cece took his vital signs when we got inside and everything was fine. Thank god she's going to school to become a nurse.

"What do we do now?" I asked

"Wait till he wakes up" Cece shrugged

Who the hell knows when that'll be. Cece gave me a small smile before walking out of the living room.

Diego was sprawled out on the couch with his mouth slightly open and he was snoring. I couldn't help but smile. He looked really adorable.

I took a picture to hold against him later on. Before going upstairs to change I took off his shoes and covered him with a blanket.

I wonder what made him go and take Xanax again especially since he created an anti xan movement . I just hope his fans don't find out because I don't want them to be disappointed in him. Everyone makes mistakes but people are harsh these days. I made a mental note to ask him about it when he woke up.

"Rae I think he's finally starting to wake up!" Cece yelled from the living room.

I quickly jumped off my bed and ran down the hallway to the living room.
When I got in there he slowly sat up and looked around the room.

"Where am I ?" He asked rubbing his eyes

"That's sad" Cece said shaking her head

"Go" I told Cece

She gave me a look and I have her one back. I sat down next to Diego.

"How are you feeling?" I asked

"Like shit" He mumbled

Cece came back into the living room with a glass of water and aspirin for him.

"Don't get use to her taking care of you when you're to fucked up on drugs. I'll be damned if I let you ruin her" Cece said to Diego before leaving the living room again

Diego turned to look at me with a confused look. Well shit.

"What the fuck is up with her?" He asked

"What do you remember from today?" I asked

"Not much honestly. Just seeing you at work and then going home to smoke a blunt" Diego said taking a sip of the water

"You told me you took Xanax"

"Wait what?" Diego asked confused

"I knew you were high when you came back to my work and I asked how much you smoked and you said you had taken a Xanax"


Diego got up from the couch and started pacing back and forth through the living room.

"Hey it's okay" I said trying to calm him

"It ain't though baby girl"

I tried not to freak out over him calling me baby girl because damn that's something I can get use to hearing.

I got up from the couch and went and grabbed his hand in mind.

"It really is going to be okay Diego. I won't tell anyone. Just promise me you won't take them again"

Diego smiled and squeezed my hand slightly

"I promise ma"

I stared at our intertwined hands for a moment before looking up at him. His eyes were still bloodshot and he had a slight smile on his face.

His took his hand out of mine and gently grabbed my face between his hands. When he started leaning in towards me my heart started to race.

His lips against mine felt like magic.


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xanxiety: shoutout to @raeganwhitley for looking out for my dumbass 💔

view all 459 comments

@user1: ????

@user2: baby

@_stevencannon: boiiiiiiiiii

@meredithmickelson: so that's where you've been?

@arnoldisdead: ^oh shit

@raeganwhitley: 😘

@tanamongeau: lmao

@user3: y Meredith & tana mad tho? 😂😂😂

oops lol
Kinda going off track of what I originally had planned for this story but oh whale.
Thank you to everyone one who's read, commented/voted.
It means so much to me and ilysm

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