52 • travis

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"You need to leave now" I said quickly getting up from the couch I was sitting on

"Why? Your boyfriend going to beat me up?" Travis asked with a snarky smirk on his face

"Yes he will" I said seriously

I kept looking towards the door Diego could walk through any second.

"Seriously Travis you really need to go. This is his last show for the tour and I don't want anything ruining it" I said trying to push him out of the room

He just grabbed me by my wrists and pulled my close to him. I struggled to get out of his grin but it got tighter.

"I came here to see you Rae and that's what I'm going to do. I don't give a fuck about your little boyfriend. He's not going to do shit" Travis said as he started backing me up towards the nearest wall

For the first time ever I was scared of Travis. I was scared of what he was going to try to attempt to do with my boyfriend and his friends just a few rooms away. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I was terrified. I did my best to fight back my tears because I didn't want him knowing he was getting the best of me.

My back hit the wall and I let out a small groan. Why is he being so fucking rough. I've never ever seen this side of Travis... Ever.

"For years Raegan... Years I've been trying to get you to be my girlfriend but no!" Travis laughed humorously as he pressed himself against me so I could barely move

"You come back to Texas and make me think we were going to get together and then you leave me to go back to that little bitch" Travis added squeezing my wrists even tighter causing me to let out a small yelp

"Travis please stop you're hurting me" I begged trying to pull out of his grip

Nothing. He started down at me for a second before lowering his head down to my neck. When he started kissing my neck I wanted to throw up. He let go of one of my wrists and used his free hand to find its way to the front of my leggings. I was frozen with terror. Now I couldn't help my tears. What was I suppose to fucking do?

I closed my eyes with tears still falling and braced myself for what was about to happen. Before he could do anything I could hear Diego's voice and it was getting closer and closer. That's when I found my courage.

"Diego help!" I screamed as loud which caused Travis to jump back away from me. He obviously wasn't expecting that.

I swear within seconds Diego, Steven, JP, and Fu came running through the door. What happened next happened so fast it was a blur.

Fu had me wrapped in his arms walking towards the far end of the room. I could hear yelling... Mainly from Diego. I obviously knew he was fighting Travis I just hope he's okay. He can take Travis I know he can I'm still scared of him getting hurt.

I was still crying. Fu was trying to calm me down but the only person who could calm me down was getting into a fight.

"I'll be right back" Fu said quickly before letting me go

I think that's when I lost it. My chest was tightening making it harder for me to breathe. I was trying so fucking hard not to have a panic attack right now but it wasn't working. I couldn't feel my fingers anymore and I started shaking. I need Diego fuck.

"Baby girl" I heard his voice say then I felt his arms wrap around me securely

I buried my head in the crook of his neck and I sobbed. Trying to take deep breaths every few seconds. It took a good fifteen minutes before I was able to get some what calmed down.

"He didn't touch you did he?" Diego asked his arms tightening around me just barely

I shook my head no. I was scared to pull out of Diego's hug. If I seen that he was hurt I might start crying again.

Diego pulled out of the hug and I kept my eyes closed. I felt him gently grab my face in-between his hands.

"Baby look at me" Diego whispered

I took a deep breath and slowly opened my swollen eyes. I let out a sign of relief when I seen his face. There was not one cut or bruise on that beautiful face of his.

"Rae what happened to your wrists?" Steven asked as he walked up to me and Diego

Diego let go of my face and We both looked down to see that both my wrists were starting to turn a purplish color and were in the shape of Travis' fingers. Diego furrowed his eyebrows.

"That mother fucker" he said angrily "bring him back ima kill him for doing this to her"

"Diego please" I begged "please just don't"

Diego didn't say anything he just grabbed my hand and started leading me out of the room we were in. He took me into the bathroom and locked the door.

"Baby he ain't gon' get away with doing this to you. I already beat his fucking ass but he's gon' be sorry baby I promise you" Diego said

I could see the tears starting in his eyes and it broke my heart.

"I can't get out of my head the things he would've done to you if I didn't get there on time or if I didn't decide to go back there-" Diego started again his voice cracking

Diego suddenly hit the wall causing me to jump.

"Baby" I whispered

He looked at me and he looked completely broken. I never wanted to see him like that.

"I'm so sorry Raegan that he hurt you baby please forgive me I'm so sorry for not being there" Diego said coming up to me

"Diego this isn't your fault baby. You stopped him from doing anything to me" I said trying to reassure him

"I fucking love you so god damn much. I hope you know that Raegan and I would fucking die for you ma" Diego whispered slowly leaning his head down towards me

"I love you more baby. I love you more" I said before his lips touched mine


I'm crying

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