15 • 4 months

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"fuck" I moaned "do that again...harder"

Diego grunted and did what I said

"Ow not that fucking hard!" I groaned now trying to wiggle out from underneath him

"Sorry ma" Diego laughed "guess I don't know my own strength"

I had managed to turn over. Diego was staring down at me with a goofy ass grin on his face

"I'm never asking you for a back massage again" I pouted

"It wasn't that bad" He laughed once again, taking my hands in his

"Actually is was" I smirked

He glared at me and put my hands above my head. He didn't say anything he just leaned down started leaving kisses on my neck and across my collar bones.

"Diego" I whispered trying to not give away that he was getting to me

"Hmmm" he mumbled letting go of my hands

He started to move down to my chest and my stomach. He stopped right above my panties. He looked up and gave me a sly smirk.

"I've have class in forty-five minutes make it quick" I breathed

Diego wasted no time in taking my panties off. I could never get tired of the way our bodies fit together or hearing his moans and groans.

"What time you want me to pick you up?" Diego asked as he pulled up front of the college

"I only have two classes today, so I should be done around two-thirty" I told him

"ight baby I'll be here"

I leaned in over the center console and gave him a kiss biting his bottom lip slightly as I pulled away

"You wild" he laughed

"Only for you" I giggled

I really didn't want to go to class today but I missed the last few and I really needed to catch up. Work too I'm pretty sure they aren't going to let me come back.

Ever since I've been staying with Diego I never want to leave him. My parents would kill me if I got kicked out of college because of a boy.


Are you ever going to come back home?


I miss you...

Yeah well you should've thought about that before you decided to fuck around with my relationship

Rae you don't know how sorry I am. It was stupid.

You still did it 😂

Will you come over later please so we can talk about it? I haven't seen you in four months

We'll see..

He's already changing you

Gotta blasttt  ✌🏼️

hahaha WOO

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