57 • time apart

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"It's already starting to bruise" Diego said looking at the mark on my cheek

"I figured" I sighed

It was still a shock that my brother hit me in the face. I know it wasn't on purpose but it hurt. I didn't want to look at it. I knew it was ugly. It made me sad that Diego also had a few bruises on his face. They were small ones but still. 

I was so mad at my parents that I wanted to go back out to the living room and yell at them. My dad just stood there and let my brother beat up Diego. Like what the fuck. 

a knock on the door made me jump. Diego told me to stay where I was and went to go see who it was. I could hear my Nana's soft voice. He let her in and she came over to me with tears in her eyes.

"Honey why didn't you tell me?" She asked sitting down next to me

"It only happened yesterday and I just want to forget that it happened" I said not making eye contact with her

"Baby I'm so sorry.. You know you can tell me anything. Who was it?"

"It was Travis" Diego answered for me

"What" Nana gasped "Oh just wait until his mother finds out! You need to report him Raegan"

"I don't know" I mumbled

"I beat his ass already and if he ever comes around her again I'm going to put him in a grave" Diego said  leaning against the wall

There was another knock on the door. I gave Diego a look because I knew it was one of my parents or even both of them. He gave me a nod before cracking the door open. I couldn't tell which one it was. 

"Nah she don't wanna see you... ion care... you the reason for this shit on my face what makes you think ima let you in here.... okay cool... the moment  she says she don't want you in here anymore y'all better get the fuck out understood?" Diego backed away from the door and opened it wide enough for both of my parents to walk in.

I scoffed and leaned against my Nana. I could tell that my mom had been crying and I honestly didn't care. 

"Raegan" My Dad started to say "We just want you to know that we love you and that what  happened to you shouldn't have happened and who ever did it is going to pay for it. We won't let them get away with hurting our little girl"

I bit my tongue when he said 'hurting our little girl'. I wanted to go off on him so bad but I wanted to hear what my mom said before I did anything.

"We haven't exactly been the best of parents these last few years but we do miss you sweetie. Its not the same without you around" My mom sniffled 

"The last few years" I laughed "Try my whole fucking life! You  guys have never been supportive of me for anything! it was always Anthony! and don't you dare say otherwise! You guys never fucking cared about me!"

"Raegan please" My mom begged "I want to make things right with you. I love you so much and it kills me to think that you don't think I do"

My dad drifted off to the side not saying anything. That's how I knew he didn't give one fuck. I could tell my mom was somewhat trying but him nope. He had no emotion on his face. He was just there for my mom.

"You" I said getting up and pointing at him "I fucking hope you know that I hate you. I hate you so much. I won't ever forgive you for anything you've done! I've spent my whole life wondering why I wasn't a good enough daughter for you. I'm sorry I'm not perfect like Anthony. I'm sorry that you wish I was never born"

His eyes widened when I said that. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it

"Yeah you didn't think I knew you said that did you?" I asked 

"Raegan.. I.. I really don't know what to say" My dad muttered

"Get out!" I yelled "Both of you get out!"

My mother started crying again. She didn't want to leave I could tell. My dad grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the room. My Nana followed them. I sat back down on the bed. I didn't cry. I had no fucking energy to cry. I had no energy left for anything...


The next few hours that passed were quiet. Me and Diego both stayed in my room not really talking us just both on our phones trying to process the events that happened the past few days.

"Baby" Diego said 

"Yeah" I replied

He sat up and motioned for me to do the same so I did. He grabbed both of my hands in his. I furrowed my eyebrows. Why is he acting so weird..

"I've been thinking" He said

oh god.

"I think you need to stay here" He said squeezing my hand

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

"I changed my flight for tomorrow morning... I cancelled your flight"

"Why would you do that?" I asked pulling my hands out of his

"There's clearly somethings going on with your family that you need to resolve and you can't do that from LA. Plus I think it will be good for us to have some time apart" Diego said

Time apart? What the hell is he talking about.

"You... You said that you were going to be by my side through this" I whispered

"I still am, I'll always be by your side baby always!" Diego said moving a piece off hair out of my face

"I just don't understand"

"Don't think of it as us breaking up. When your ready to come back just let me know and I'll buy you a ticket back"



I couldn't sleep. My mind was on overdrive. Everything Diego told me earlier finally processed in my head and I lost my shit. He was begging me to come back to LA just weeks ago and now he wants me stay in Texas because I'm having family problems? I know its because he wants to fuck Grace. He thinks I'm stupid. I've seen their messages.

He keeps making me look like a fool. And I let him. He says he loves me and still goes behind my back and does sneaky shit. Why would I want to marry a man that does that. Why am I with someone that constantly hurts me. I'm stupid for keeping on taking him back but I love him. God I love him.

What is Jess, Brielle, and Ethan going to say when I don't come back with him? Will I even come back this time? I don't know how he expects us to keep up a relationship with us being so far a part. 

Why do I feel like this is really going to be the end of me and Diego?


oh fuck 

I'm sorry but I couldn't make everything between them be all perfect. 

dont h8 me pls

I think I finally figured out what I want to do for my Diego/Ethan story. They won't be twins in it like I originally planned but yeahhhhh

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