42 • late night smoking

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"I can't believe I missed it" Ethan sighed in disappointment

"Bruh it was fuckin crazy!" Diego laughed

Is was close to midnight and Diego had invited Ethan and Brielle over. Jess was still here and we were all in the living room smoking a backwood. I still wanted to talk to Diego about somethings.

We still had a long way to go before being a couple again. Don't get me wrong he's my man. We may not be together but no other girl is going to come into the picture. The talking can wait till tomorrow. I was feeling good and didn't want nothing to ruin my high.

Everyone was still buzzing about me fighting Grace. I didn't feel bad at all. Maybe now she'll stay the fuck away. These girls underestimate me. I let shit slide but I'm not anymore. No more nice Raegan.

The backwood came back to me and I took a few hits before passing it to Brielle. Diego was sitting next to me rolling another one.

I stared at his fingers as he rolled the backwood noticing the new tattoo across his fingers that said "Peep". I smiled to myself. He had so much love for Lil Peep it made my heart happy and sad. Peep was taken from this world to early.

That's why I was scared for him to be taking Xanax again. Anything could happen. He could take the wrong one or take one to many and be gone. He's my fucking world and I don't know what I would do if he was gone. I shook off the thought. I didn't even want to think about him being gone.

When he was done rolling the wood he looked at me and gave me a sweet smile

"I love you" He said before putting the backwood to his mouth to light it

"I love you more" I smiled

"Impossible" He said exhaling the smoke

I rolled my eyes as he passed me the backwood. I'll let him win this time.

After a while I started getting tired and wanted to go to bed. I told Ethan, Brielle, and Jess to spend the night because I didn't want them driving home high.

I said my good nights and went upstairs to Diego's room. I changed out of my clothes and into one of his shirts. Diego came upstairs a few minutes after I did.

I was half asleep when he got in bed next to me. I heard his phone ding a couple times and him mumbled a few cuss words but I ignored it.

"Goodnight baby I love you" he whispered wrapping his arm around me and placing a kiss on the back of my neck

"Night I love you too" I mumbled moving closer to him

He gave me a light squeeze and I was out.


I guess this is sorta like a boring filler chapter.

Sorry if I don't update as often in the next few days. I'm just really tired and the CNA class I've been taking is kicking my ass 😩

Anyways I got a lot of stuff happening in the story coming up. good and bad so it'll be interesting lol

Who's excited for Diego's new merch to come out????? I know I am 💔

Also I want to thank you all again. I never thought my story was going to get as many reads/votes/comments that is has and I'm extremely grateful for it. I love seeing everyone's comments. Y'all are the best! 💘💘

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