61 • back again

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| Raegan |

It was never my intention to ignore my friends. I was sinking into a hole of nothing and I didn't want to bring them down with me. The first few weeks I tired my best to keep strong and not let this effect me. But when I seen Grace's post I lost it completely.

I guess I can't really blame him. I had been ignoring him. I didn't have it in me to block him but I deleted the messages as soon as I received them. I didn't want to hear anything he had to say. He was just going to feed me more lies and I would believe them.

I miss him, I can't deny that but I miss Jess, Ethan, and Brielle more. I hope they forgive me. I don't want them to hate me for this.


Months had gone by. I'm not sure how many but I knew it was at least six. I still hadn't had any contact with anyone from LA. I eventually changed my number. It was to hard for me. They were all still friends with Diego and I wanted him out of my life. I deleted all social media. I pretty much wanted to start over.

Eventually my Nana had enough of my self wallowing and took me in to get help. It didn't help as much as I liked but enough to put me back in my right state of mind. I was ready. I was ready to go back to LA and face everyone.


It was obviously going to be a surprise to everyone that I was back. I just hope that they would take me back in to their lives again.

I was actually really nervous when the Uber driver pulled into Jess's driveway. She was home and Brielle was there to. I hope Ethan was too. I grabbed my bag and got out of the car thanking the driver before shutting the door.

I slowly made my way up to the front porch. I took a deep breath before ringing the door bell. I heard Jess yell and it made me smile. The front door swung open and there stood Jess.

"Can I help yo- holy fucking shit!" Jess said dropping what ever was in her hands

"Hey" I mumbled standing there awkwardly

"You bitch!" Jess smiled with tears in her eyes

I dropped my bag and went to hug her. I fucking missed her so much. I felt like such an asshole for not talking her to all this time.

"Come inside! Its cold" Jess said pulling out of the hug and grabbing my bag

"Hey who was at the door?" I heard Ethan call out

Hearing his voice made my heart skip a beat. He was actually the person I was most nervous to see and I don't know why. Besides Jess and Brielle he was really the only other person that was there for me through all the Diego bullshit.

"Me" I said

Both Ethan and Brielle heads shot up at the sound of my voice. Brielle got up and ran over to me while Ethan just sat there in shock.

He was still sitting here staring at me after me and Brielle said our hellos.

"I-I- you" Ethan stumbled over his words

"I'm so sorry" I said to Ethan who now was standing up

When he got closer to me I could see the tears in his eyes. And of course my tears started as well.

"I fucking missed your crazy ass!" Ethan laughed

"I missed you too" I smiled

This time the three of them put me in a group hug. Never again am I leaving these three.


First thank you so much to szaful for the amazing new story cover!!! I love it!!!

Second there's bouta be more drama lol this is kinda rushed and I'm sorry 😭😭😭

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