56 • family

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Diego gives me a lopsided smile and goes towards the door. I quickly grab him by his shirt and pull him back.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hiss

"Going to meet your family?" He says more like a question

"Baby they aren't like my nana. I'm pretty sure they don't even know I'm here"

"What do you mean they aren't like your Nana?" Diego asks as he walks over to the bed and sits down

"They are fucking insane! I know as soon as my mom sees your tattoos she's going to have a heart attack. They are very... I don't know a nice way to put it except they are very judgmental and snotty. Sometimes I can't believe they are my parents" I said pacing back and forth

"I really don't give one fuck if your mom don't like my tattoos honestly shorty. If she gon' hate me that's that. It ain't my job to impress her. Your Nana likes me and to me that's all that matters" Diego said with that smile I loved so much

"I'm nervous though. They are going to yell at me and shit I just know it" I said now becoming a lot more nervous than I was

"Baby girl" Diego said "You don't have to face them alone. I'm here with you" He continued grabbing my hand in his

"You're right" I sighed "I'm sorry for whatever they are going to say to you"

"Trust me it ain't gon' bother me baby"

"Okay I need another minute though"

"Take your time lil mama"

Fuck. This was nerve wrecking as hell. I haven't seen my parents since I left to college. I know they aren't going have anything nice to say. I just wish we left earlier. Wait..

"Babe we're going to miss our flight!" I said quickly looking around the room for our bags

"Yeah about that" Diego mumbled scratching the back of his head "I uhh.. I changed our flights because I wanted you to spend more time with your Nana before we left. We don't leave until Sunday"

Well shit. Now I have no choice but to face them. I knew they didn't know I was here because they didn't come to my room. I was quiet trying to make out what they were talking about but couldn't hear they clearly. I really needed a blunt. I took a deep breath before reaching out my hand for Diego's. I'm not alone facing them. I have him by my side. Everything will be okay... I hope.


We walked out to the living room where I assumed they all were. I was right. Both my parents were sitting on the couch with their backs facing us and my two brothers we in the recliners. My younger sister Annabelle was the first one to see us. She quickly got up from her spot on the love seat and ran into my arms. I let go of Diego's hand to embrace my sister. I missed her so much. By this time everyone's attention was on me.

"Raegan" My Mom and dad said at same time standing up from the couch

"Hey" I mumbled

"Annabelle get over here" My dad said snapping his fingers at my sister like she was a dog

"Who is this?" My Mom said nudging her chin towards Diego

"I'm Diego, Raegan's boyfriend" Diego said before I had the chance to say anything

Annabelle was still in my arms and I really didn't want to let her go. I had no contact with her at all. My parents won't let her talk to me. Which is fucking stupid she needs her older sister. It breaks my heart.

"Annabelle Michelle I said get over here right now!" My dad said again raising his voice slightly

Annabelle flinched at the tone of his voice and squeezed me tighter. I looked at my dad with a glare. She's obviously scared of the asshole.

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