68 • scream

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I purposefully left my bedroom door unlocked. I knew it was wrong of me to be doing this but I wanted to get a reaction out of Diego. I wanted to make him feel the way he made me feel all those times while cheating on me even though this wasn't me cheating.

I wanted him to feel angry, hurt, and betrayed just like I had. I wanted to break his fucking heart like he broke mine.

My lips moved hungrily against Blake's. I wasn't just using Blake to get back at Diego, I did want him god I wanted him so bad.

I was actually starting to get impatient I wanted to fuck already but he was taking his sweet ass time. Diego was bound to barge in at any moment.

Finally the foreplay was over and Blake entered me causing me to gasp. It was honestly a weird feeling. I hadn't had sex with anyone since Diego.

I wish I could say Diego wasn't on my mind but he was. I was trying so hard to push him out of my thoughts and focus on Blake but it was hard.

I was close to close to my high when there was a knock on the door. Take a wild guess who it was.

"Don't stop" I say to Blake who picks up his pace

I purposely let out a loud sexy moan. There was a knock on the door again it was a little louder this time. So I let out another loud moan.

"Oh my god" I gasp

I don't know it was because Diego came bursting through the door or because I Blake hit the right spot and I came undone.

Diego's actions caused Blake to quickly get off of me and cover himself up. I just laid there annoyed trying to catch my breath.

"You've got to me fucking kidding me" Diego scoffed

I propped myself up on my elbows and turned to look at Diego with a smirk and said "he fucked me better than you ever did"

I turned to look back a Blake who was putting on his clothes.

"I really ain't tryna be apart of this but hit me up later lil mama" Blake said slipping on his shirt

He causally walked past Diego sending me a wink before leaving my room.

I sighed and covered myself up with my blanket.

"If you think I'm done talking to you, you dead wrong ma" Diego said his tone angrier than before

"There's nothing to talk about Diego" I said trying to get comfortable

"Bitch we got plenty to talk about" Diego

Did this asshole really just call me a bitch. I quickly sat up throwing my blanket off in the process.

"You better watch how you fucking talk to me" I snapped

"Or what huh?" Diego taunted me

I was still naked and it made me uncomfortable. I quickly went to my dresser and went and grabbed the biggest shirt I could find and slipped in on. I turned back to Diego and glared.

"I'm not one of your hoes Diego I won't stand for you calling me names" I said

"You sure about that? Because you sure are acting like a hoe baby" Diego smirked

Every word that came out of his mouth pissed me off even more. Making me hate him.

"If anyone's a hoe here it's your bitch ass" I say backing away from him as he started to make his way towards me

His face turned a bright red. The wall stopped me from going any further and I was trapped under his arms.

"If you touch me Diego I swear to god" I begin to say

"What hm?" He said leaning down his lips hovering above mine

"I'll scream" I whispered my heart pounding my chest

"That's what I intend on making you do baby girl" he whispered pressing his lips to mine



Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes

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