12 • lies

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No matter how hard I tired not to think about it, it kept creeping up on me.

I wanted to text Diego to come pick me up but I knew he was busy. I needed to get out of this house or else I was gonna go crazy. I grabbed my car keys and phone.

On my way down the hall I heard Cece talking to someone. I kept walking until I heard her say the name Tana.

"I know. I'm pretty sure she believed me, she seemed pretty pissed about it... Yeah it was Tana's idea... I don't think that's gonna stop her though....y'all have to remember she's my cousin I did what Tana asked me to do and that's it I'm done..."

I knew it. Oh my god. Ive never even met this Tana girl so why the hell does she have it out for me? Why is my own family taking some bitches side and not mine?

It took everything I had not to go off on her. I kept my cool and left the house before I actually did something I regret.  I didn't know where to go so I sat in the drive way.

Can I stay the night at your place tonight?

ofc baby. Everything alright?


talk to me ma
Baby u good?
Is it bout last night?

I couldn't help my tears. I wasn't crying because I was sad. I was crying because I was pissed off. How could Cece do something like this to me? Why would she try and ruin what I have with Diego? There's more to the story I just know there is but I don't want to hear it.

My phone started to ring. I looked at it to see it was Diego calling.

"Hello?" I answered

"What happened? Are you okay?" Diego asked

"Yeah I just found something out and it really pissed me off"

"By who?"

"Cece... She told me y'all hooked up a while back"

"Yo what the fuck? You know she lyin right?"

"I know... I heard her on the phone with someone saying Tana put her up to it"

"Tana? That fuckin wildin ass blonde bitch?"

"That's the only Tana I know of"

"Fuck that shit. I'll send you my address, there's a key under the mat in the backyard. That bitch is messin with the wrong one"


"I'll see you soon baby, I'll handle this shit"

"Okay see you soon"

We said our goodbyes and then I was on my way to his house.


i changed this story sooo much from what I originally had planned but I like it this way, better lmao

But its not gonna be rainbows and sunshine between Diego and Raegan for much longer 👀🤔🙃😶

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