65 • truth or dare

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I was feeling good about myself tonight. I was excited to see everyone I cared about plus a few others. I walked downstairs to join Jess, Brielle, and Ethan.

"My god, my god girl we might have to relive the night we had in seattle because you are looking fine as hell" Jess said looking me up and down when I entered the kitchen

"Fine with me" I said blowing her a kiss

"What happened in Seattle?" Ethan asked while setting out some snacks

"I don't kiss and tell" I smirked

Ethan shook his head and I laughed. Before I decided I wanted to sit down I grabbed one of the red solo cups Ethan had set out and poured myself some henny and coke.

"Hey wait till everyone gets here!" Ethan scolded me

I rolled my eyes at the boy and sat down with my girls at the kitchen table.

"So is Blake coming tonight?" Brielle asked me after taking a drink from her cup

"As far as I know. he texted me a little while ago that he'd be here" I said

"Are y'all fucking?" Jess asked bluntly which earned a laugh from Ethan

"No.. well not yet" I smiled

"What about Diego?" Ethan asked

"What about him?" I asked looking at Ethan with a glare "we aren't getting back together so I don't see why it matters who I'm talking to"

"Damn sorry" Ethan said holding his hands up in defense.

I stuck my tongue out at him in return. I'm not going to let anything ruin this night. when the doorbell rang my heart exploded with happiness I'm so excited to see everyone.

I downed what was left in my cup and stood up to greet the first people here which was Steve, Arnold and JP.

"Damn girl you look even better than you do in the picture" Steven laughed coming to give me a hug

"Thanks boo" I said squeezing him lightly

It took me a minute but I realized that Diego didn't come with them and that was really weird because he always with them. I shrugged off the thought.

When I seen Red walk through the door I was really confused but Jess explained to me that they ended up talking things out and are cool with each other. Shit if Jess can be civil with her so can I. I'm here to start over so might as well.

Diego still wasn't here and either was Blake. Blake wasn't answering my texts and it was making me nervous. He wouldn't bail on me would he? When I heard to doorbell ring for the hundredth time it felt like, I practically threw my drink and ran to answer the door.

I honestly was expecting to see Blake standing there but it wasn't. I almost shit my pants seeing Diego standing there with two bottles of alcohol in his hands. My heart melted when he smiled and I had to snap myself out of it because if I didn't he was going to make me fall in love with him again... As if I even fell out of love with him.

"You gon' let me in or jus let me freeze out here?" Diego asked in a joking tone

"Boy it ain't even that cold" I said rolling my eyes

"Yeah your titties tell me other wise" Diego smirked looking at my chest

I looked down to see that my nipples were hard and clearly showing that they were. I quickly covered them and glared at him.

"Good to see you haven't changed" I said sarcastically

I let him in and just as I was about to close the door I heard someone call out my name. I re opened it to see Blake walking up the front steps.

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