09 • blunts

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Raegan |

Nervous was an under statement, I was terrified. I've never been to a house party before. As long as I'm with Diego I should be fine.

I could here the music from inside the house as we pulled into the drive way of his house. He turned off the car and got out. I sat there for a moment taking a deep breath. You got this. 

Diego grabbed my hand in his as we walked inside of the big ass house. Right as we walked in the smell of weed hit me like a ton of bricks. Holy shit. There was people everywhere with red solo cups in their hands dancing along to the music that was playing. i squeezed his hand becoming a little more nervous.

"Don't worry ma, I got you" He shouted over the music

We walked into a room in the back of the house where there was four people sitting at a table passing around a few blunts.

Diego pulled out one of the chairs for me to sit in. Once i sat down he pushed me and sat in the chair next to me.

"So you must be the famous Raegan we all keep hearing about" The only other girl at the table said with a smile

"I am" I Smiled back

"Its bout time we met you. I thought for a second here my boy was making you up" The guy with an Anne Frank tattoo on his face said

"Dude shut up. y'all knew I wasn't making shit up" Diego said glaring at them "anyway this is Steven, Arnold, Ethan and his girl Brielle" Diego added pointing at each one of them as he said their names

"It's nice to meet y'all" I smiled

"You wanna hit this?" Steven asked holding the blunt out towards me

"Yo did you not hear anything I told you earlier?" Diego asked taking the blunt from Steven

"I thought I'd ask" Steven said holding his hands up in defense

"No its okay, I want to" I said looking over at Diego

"Are you sure ma? You don't have to?" Diego said raising his eyebrows at me.

"I'm sure" I said taking the blunt from in between Diego's fingers.

I only smoked weed one other time and that was because my older brother dared me to. I slowly inhaled scared that I might start coughing. When I didn't start coughing after I inhaled I smiled to myself and took another hit.

It didn't take long for it to hit me. Within minutes I was feeling good and wanted to have fun. Me and Brielle ended up going to the kitchen to get our self's a drink.

"So whats up with you and Diego?" Brielle asked me I a poured some Blueberry vodka into a cup

"We're just friends" I said while pouring more than I probably should have

"Just friends?" She repeated me

"Yeah. I really like him. In a way hes like my comfort zone" I said

"Awe that's so cute" Brielle squealed 

I laughed and took a sip of my drink. Yep definitely way to much vodka... Fuck it. 


Okay so I decided to change to the girl who plays Raegan. I changed her to Isabella Gomez bc she cute affffffff. Also I'm having Alexa Vega play as Cece

anywho boring filler chapter I'm sorry but I'm on a roll and coming with ideas and im having a tone of fun writing this, ayeeee

ps i fucking suck at coming up with chapter titles so sorry they are dumb af lmaoooo

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