73 • no one

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| Diego |

When my phone rang for the fourth fucking time I was pissed. You'd think who ever was calling would get the hint but clearly not.

I moved Grace's arm from around my waist and rolled over to grab my phone off my nightstand.

"Hello" I answered not looking at who it was calling

"Diego?" A female voice breathed

"Yeah what"

"I'm sorry to wake you but I really need you right now?"

"No offense but who is this?"

"It's Cece"

What the fuck?

"Bruh how the fuck did you get my number and why you calling me so late?" I groaned into the phone

"It's Raegan" She said quickly

"Man whatever it is, it ain't my fucking problem"

"Diego..." Cece said in a serious voice "She's drunk off her ass and she was given xanax"

"What!?" I asked quickly sitting up

"I-I don't know who gave it to her" I could tell by the tone of her voice she was crying now "I'm scared Diego, she's just laying here I don't know what to do!"

"I'll be there" I said hanging up and rushing to throw clothes on.

There were so many things running though my mind I couldn't concentrate. My heart sank as soon as I heard those words. It also pissed me off. Ima beat whoever's ass it was that gave Raegan Xanax. And why the fuck would she take it?

I pulled up to Cece's house. I wasn't to sure how I made it here because I wasn't paying attention to shit. I didn't bother locking my car the only thing I was worried about was Raegan.

I said some hateful shit I didn't mean to her and I regret it. I am annoyed with her and she gets on my nerves but there's no doubt that I still love shorty. She'll always have my heart no matter what and that annoys me. I tried getting over her man, but I just can't.

We're toxic as fuck for each other but that's my baby girl and at the end of the day no one comes before her no one.


I found Cece upstairs with Raegan laying in a bed. Cece was sitting beside her with tears running down her cheeks.

"How long has she been sleeping?" I asked causing Cece to snap her head up

"Since I first called you" Cece said wiping away her tears.

I walked over to the bed where Raegan was lying. My breath caught in my throat when I seen her. She looked pale and like she'd been through hell and back.

Cece moved out of the way and I sat next to Raegan shaking her slightly. All I got was a groan in response.

"How many did she take?" I asked Cece

"I think only one. But I don't know if it was laced or not and she had been drinking a lot" Cece sighed

"Do you find out who gave it to her?"

"Yeah some guy named Kian. He's still here"


"I'll be back.. She'll be fine. She might wake up to throw up soon so get a trash can or some shit. Get a cold wash rag and put it over her forehead, if she wakes up though don't let her go back to sleep" I told Cece before walking out of the room

I knew Kian. I knew that he sold people laced xans all the time. But he'd never take laced xans himself. The one he gave Rae had to be a normal one.

One my way to find him I came across Blake. I wanted to beat his fucking face in but I'm saving that for another day.

I found Kian sitting in the kitchen smoking a blunt. I went up to him and grabbed him by his collar. He dropped the blunt and looked up and me in surprise.

"Yo Diego what the fuck?" He said giving me a worried look

I didn't say anything I lifted him out of the chair and slammed him against the wall. There was a loud thud and I could feel people's eyes on us.

"Who the fuck do you think you are giving me girl a fuckin xanax!" I yelled shoving him again

"Bro what are you talking about?" He asked voice cracking

"You gave Raegan a Xanax you bitch! Was it laced?"

"N-no I swear it wasn't! And I didn't know I thought she'd taken one before"

"You better not be lying bro I swear"

"She shouldn't have fuckin taken it" Kian said trying to get out of my grip

"And you shouldn't have given it to her" I said before letting go and decking him in the face

I heard gasps coming from behind me but I didn't give one fuck.

"Lemme find out you selling anyone xans again, I swear bruh it'll be a lot worse" I said to his bitch ass and went to go back upstairs

I walked into the room to find Raegan hunched over throwing up. It's gon' be a long night.



Thank you for 2k votes ily all w all my heart.

Sorry for the shitty update lol

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