Emotional Heart

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The Heart can feel many things.
That confuse you.
That overwhelm you.
Things that you hate.
Things that you like.
Things you crave.
And sometimes things that scare you.
My heart has felt almost all these things.
I have fallen in love.
I have had my heart broken.
i have felt grief.
i have felt longing for completion.
i have felt happiness in many forms.
Sorrow in several forms.
none of this ever scared me.
what scared me is when i couldn't.
feel anything at all.
when my heart didn't skip beats.
it didn't flutter.
it didn't clench.
it didn't bleed.
Nothing is more scary to me.
then when my heart lost the ability to feel.

When i didn't feel it flip with nervousness.
or race with fear.
when i could feel anxiety,
doubt or even joy.
when anything could happen and nothing could pull my heart strings.
that is when i felt scared by my heart.
because there is nothing worse then.
thinking you might be heartless.
when you have always felt things.
the way i have.
when you have been ruled by your emotions.
when your heart has made your life how it is.
the day your heart isn't guiding you anymore.
is the day you feel you lost the last light.
in a sea of darkness.
It has been like that for a while.
but sometimes..some people.
their hearts can tell mine is numb.
and they will comfort it.
they will share there own heart's feelings with me.
and sometimes. just sometimes.
i feel it fall out of rhythm when i look at someone i like.
i feel it race when i should be scared.
i feel it tighten when i wanna cry.
the people around me have slowly taught my heart.
to feel again.
and that means im no longer scared.
im not scared to feel emotions.
im scared to not feel any at all.
i love my heart.and it loves me.

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