To love this girl.

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Her dark hair blankets my arms like chocolate as she lays her head on my chest.

Her fingers like proding feathers as she pokes my belly and giggles at the soft.

Her blue eyes like diamonds shine with innocent love as I kiss her nose.

The way she flushes and shys when I hold her hand.

To strangers we are the gay couple. The weird couple. The girls in all black the grungy girl and the gothic Barbie.

To us we are a bright love and a warm love. She is a ray of light though her back is shadowed with path. I'm a ball of knight though my heart is warm with hope.

I show her was trust can be.
She shows me what security is.

She's my little ball of darkness who meows when she misses me.
I am her all knowing owl who cuddles when lonely.

We exist in a expanse of all that no one could understand.
But we feel at home loving our girl.

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